Thirty Nine. [N.H.]

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A/N: So Matthew is finally born and we get to see how Niall views the whole thing. Btw, I know the chapters suck and it's my fault for going AWOL. Lipstick Stain is ending ch is the last one. But maybe I have an idea on how to continue it...if you guys are interested?

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I couldn't fathom how beautiful Matthew is. He's everything and more that I wanted in a child and having him here is incredible. I remember how excited Greg was when he found out Denise was pregnant with Theo, and the look on his face when he held him. Now it's my turn to share that same feeling, the feeling of a first time father holding his baby.

Harry has fallen asleep from the heavy medication so I'm currently holding our son. He's so chubby, and his face is so squishy, but he's still beautiful and perfect in every way. I can tell that he's gonna look a lot like Harry as he grows up, he already has his lips and nose. Hopefully he has some my traits too, which I'm sure he will.

"Hi baby, how's my little boy?" I ask.

Matthew just scrunches his nose and yawns a bit. I chuckle and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're my boy yeah? You're my little baby boy and you'll always be my baby boy. I love you so much much."

He lets out a puff of air and I swear my heart just skipped a beat. I notice him squirming in his blankets and him attempting to open his eyes.

"Well good evening to you bubby. You're finally awake I-" I stop talking as Matthew opens his eyes just enough for me to see their color.

But...they're not just one color.

"Haz? Haz, wake up! Harry, get up!" I tell my boyfriend.

He groans and opens his eyes and looks at me worriedly. "What's wrong? Is Matt okay? Is something wrong with him?"

"N-no but...look at his eyes." I say.

I hold Matthew closer so Harry can see what I'm talking about. He immediately gasps and looks up at me.

"His's blue and one's green!"

"I know. Is that what that nurse meant when she said that Matt has a special trait? He has different colored eyes?" I inquire.

Harry nods and gazes at our baby. "Heterochromia...that's what Matt has. I remember learning about that in biology; It's when a person has different eye colors."

I look down at Matthew and see him blinking and yawning. He huffs and sticks his tongue out which makes me laugh.

"Huh...who would've thought? Matthew was already perfect, but now he's a perfect combination of the both of us. He has both of our eyes." I smile.

Harry blushes and giggles. "Yeah, he does."

"Should we let our families see him now? They've been waiting for a while."

"Yeah I think we kept them waiting long enough. Ready to see your new family baby boy?" Harry asks Matthew.

He just gurgles which to me seems like a definite yes. I have Harry hold Matthew as I contact one of the nurses and ask if our families can visit now. She goes and tells them that they can come in and soon the room is full of all our family members.

Mrs. Styles and my mom attack us first, giving Harry and I kisses before admiring their brand new grandson. They were shocked when they noticed his eyes but fawned over how beautiful and different it makes him.

Lipstick Stain [n.s.] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now