Twenty. [N.H.]

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! Hope this chapter is good! Feedback yes?

Will edit later xx


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It's midnight when I wake up. I've been asleep since lunchtime and for a moment I forgot what made me so sleepy until I see Harry beside me. He's still fast asleep, cuddled into the crook of my neck and holding me tightly. My heart skips a beat when I remember that I made love to Harry just a hours ago. The way my name rolled off of his tongue during our intimacy causes me to shiver because not only did it sound beautiful, but only he could make my name sound that way.

I turn more onto my side to get a better look at my baby girl. I notice the few freckles he has on his pretty face, his button nose, how long his eyelashes look...just everything about him. Harry has the type of beauty that makes your heart stop. Sometimes it's too much for me that I literally feel the wind being knocked out of me, but god it's so worth to feel that way.

Reaching up, I skim the top of my fingers against his cheek. He stirs, letting out an airy giggle that makes me smile.

"Princess...Niall's prin...cess..." He mutters.

Well now, is my baby a sleep talker?

Fuck, how cute is that?

"You are a princess my love, such a pretty princess for me." I tell him.

Harry smiles, showing off his dimples. " you..."

"I love you too baby."

He doesn't talk after that, just lets out soft snores. I kiss his forehead and do my best to slip out of his grasp. My stomach is rumbling since I haven't eaten since lunch and I want to snack on something. I replace my body with a pillow so Harry could cuddle that in the meantime.

I put on some boxers and a pair of sweatpants before heading downstairs. I notice the light in the kitchen on and peek behind the wall to see who's there.

"Liam?" I ask when I see him turn around.

He startles a bit and sighs in relief when he sees me. I chuckle and walk over to him, grabbing a glass of water as he crosses his arms at me.

"So, want to explain why my lube was missing?" He questions.

I blush. "I didn't steal it."

"Liar," he snorts. "When I came back it was gone and I figured to ask you if you knew where it was. So when I peeked into your room and saw you and Harry sleeping and the bottle sitting on the nightstand...I knew why you took it."

I'm a pretty sucky liar. I can't lie if my life depended on it. I knew that Liam would see right through me since we've been friends forever so I don't know why I even tried lying to him.

"Okay I'm sorry I stole your lube...but I needed it! I didn't bring any with me." I explain.

He sighs. "I understand but you could've sent me a text to warn me. Louis was incredibly horny when we got back and was angry that I couldn't find my bottle."

I scrunch up my face. "You didn't have to tell me that much."

"Anyways," Liam rolls his eyes. "How was it?"

I open up the fridge and take out some milk and rummage through the pantry for some cereal.

"You want me to go into full detail?" I smirk as I prepare myself a bowl of Apple Jacks.

Lipstick Stain [n.s.] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now