Eighteen. [N.H.]

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A/N: Happy New Year! Hope you all had a great 2015, but 2016 will surely be better :) What better way to start off the new year with an update? I hope you guys like this chapter. Please leave me feedback because your comments make me incredible happy!

WARNING: Extreme Narry fluff up ahead ;)

Vote. Comment. Fan. xx

I can see snow falling outside from our bedroom window. There's still a bit of sunlight seeping through so my guess is that it's not that late outside. That's when I remember that I was asleep just moments ago, and that I'm here in one of the rooms in Liam's family's cabin.

We arrived about a couple hours ago since we left a bit early in the morning, but once we got here we all chose rooms and decided to nap. Harry and I chose a room with a large window so we can see the snow from inside. Plus Theo liked the view as well, he started giggling and patting his hands on the glass the moment he saw the snowflakes hit the window.

Looking down, I see that Harry is cuddled up next to me. He's wearing one of my shirts and a pair of his panties while I'm just wearing sweatpants. My boyfriend has his face pressed into my chest and his arm wrapped around my body, as well as one of his legs thrown over my lower half.

For a split second I wonder where my nephew is, but then I remember that I left him with Eleanor and Perrie to watch. I run my hand through Harry's hair and kiss his forehead while studying his delicate face.

He's so cute, the cutest thing I've ever laid my eyes on, yet also incredibly beautiful both inside and out. Maybe that's why I fell for him in the first place, because of Harry's lovely personality and charm that not many people possess...and it's great that I get to see that side of him every day.

"You're so tiny, I love it." I smile, holding him close to me.

Harry shifts in my embrace and mumbles incoherent words. Chuckling, I kiss both of my boyfriend's cheeks and nose.

"Ni...stop..." He groans.

"Why? You don't like my kisses?" I tease.

I notice him blush which makes me laugh. Harry opens his eyes and peers up at me. He reaches up and moves the hair that's lying against my forehead.

"I actually adore waking up to your kisses." He replies shyly.

God this boy makes my heart melt.

I move so that I'm on top of him and rest myself on my forearms. Harry gulps and blushes, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"You're really beautiful, you know that?" I ask, kissing his cheek.

"You tell me that every day." Harry giggles.

"Because it's true princess; people would die to have your beauty."

I lean my head down to capture my boyfriend's pretty lips. He gasps, opening his mouth which allows me to slip my tongue through. A moan sounds from him as his tongue rubs against mine and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't turned on by that.

"Fuck Haz you drive me insane." I murmur as I pull away.

Harry is breathing hard and his flushed face isn't helping the growing hard on in my sweats. But, I calm myself down because I'd rather appreciate how lovely my boyfriend looks at this moment...even though I really really want to wreck him.

Easy Niall, you'll get there soon.

"Like...a good kind of insane?" Harry wonders.

I chuckle and kiss his pink lips. "Mmhm. The kind of insane that makes me think about you all the time, no matter where I'm at." I tell him.

Lipstick Stain [n.s.] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now