🎄Merry Clintmas!🎄

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GG: Mey Chistmas!

Tony: Someone needs to get that girl a new phone.

Nat: Oh shut up, hers is fine. Merry Christmas, GG.

Thor: Merry CHristmas to alL of you! And a Happy NEW Year!

Wanda: Oh Thor, so adorable!

Clint: Did I just hear what I think I just heard?

Wanda: No, I was lying to make him feel better. Thor, stop capitalizing random letters, it's super annoying!

Sam: Oh good, I thought you were serious.

Thor: Now Thor is sad

Nat: Please don't speak in 3rd person, that's almost as annoying as the capitalization problem.

GG: well anyways, let's open ou pesents!

Clint: Alright, 'From: Natasha' Oh my gosh thank you so much!

Nat: You're welcome!

Sam: What is it?

Clint: The entire 1 season of My Little Pony!

Tony: I'm not going to say anything. I'm not gonna judge.

GG: That's nice. I'll go next! 'Fom: The Avenges' oh, now I'm scaed of what it's gonna be!

Nat: I'm excited for you to open this one! We all pitched in for this one and I know you'll love it!

GG: Oh my... goodness. This is... awesome! This is so nice of you guys, you ae all the best goup of fiends anyone in the Univese can have!

Agent Hill: Wait, what did you get?

GG: They got me a new phone! Come hee so I can give you all a hug! You'e liteally the most wondeful people in the galaxy, I love you so vey much!

Steve: I'm glad you like it!

GG: my oh my I love it!

Clint: That makes me feel good inside

Tony: Oh what's out here? A new car? I wonder who gave that to me? Santa maybe.

Nat: Tony, we all know you bought that car for yourself.

Tony: You have no evidence!

Wanda: Your license plate is StarkR0cks

Tony: Santa knows me well.

GG: Whatever, let him believe what he wants. Bruce, what did you get?

Bruce: Um.. let's see. 'From: Steve'. A telescope? How did you know?

Steve: I heard you the other day complaining that you didn't have one. Merry Secret Santa!

GG: Oh yeah, everyone get their Secret Santa presents! Steve went first, so next, Bruce should go.

Bruce: Okay, Merry Secret Santa, Rhodes. Here's your gift.

Rhodes: A new laptop? How nice!

Bruce: Now you'll have something to do instead of sitting on Tony's couch all day

Rhodes: thanks, this means a lot to me. Now my turn! GG, Merry Secret Santa!

GG: A $25 gift card to Panda Express, thanks! I love Panda Express!

Tony: Really? That's what you got her?

Rhodes: Hey! It's the best a man can get when he's crippled!

GG: It's fine! I'll buy dinner tonight, who wants to come?

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