Love is in the air

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Clint: Hey Nat, I just want to apologize for everything I've done recently and I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me.

Nat: Are you just saying that cause it's Valentines Day?

Clint: Yes... but no. I'm so lonely and my life is boring without you. I have no one to hide behind when I watch horror movies.

Nat: Aww, that's so sweet. Who can resist? I'm in, where are we going?

Clint: Wherever you want to go. <3

Nat: Okay, but you're paying <3

Clint: Not a surprise <3

GG: Nat is very lucky, she's got a loving man who respects her. I'm just a loner, on Valentines Day!

Thor: It is the Day of Valentine?

Steve: February 14, yes.

Bruce: Hey GG, don't feel bad. I'm a loner too.

Tony: I wonder why...

Steve: Stark, come on. You're just as lonely.

Tony: Hey, I've tried all day to get Pepper's attention! I bought her flowers, jewelry, and a new car. Those rings cost more than Sam's existence.

Sam: Excuse me?

GG: Maybe she doesn't want flowers or jewelry, or a car. As a girl, all Id want from a man is his time. I'd want him to give me his attention, like Clint to Nat. He gave her an option, and that's the best way to do it. Ask Pepper what she wants not what you think she'd like. Maybe she just wants you to snuggle up and watch a movie.

Tony: wow, I never thought of that. Thanks GG, you are a big help!

Rhodes: Man, you're good! Are you some licensed romance tip giver? If you are, I'd pay to get some advice.

GG: why thank you. I'm just advising you from the knowledge I have, it comes from experience and a deep talk with Pepper.

Tony: I had a feeling this would be a good Valentines Day.

Steve: Wait, am I the only one who has noticed that GG is typing her 'r's?

Bruce: I noticed too but I didn't want to say anything.

Sam: Honestly, I haven't noticed her not typing the r's. I quickly scan over words, I don't notice mispeliings.

Tony: Well that's ironic. It's spelled misspellings

Sam: I told you I don't notice those thins.

Rhodes: things

Sam: what?

Rhodes: you put thins instead of things

Sam: OK, I get it. Continue with the GG thing

GG: Oh, I finally got my new phone set up. It took all of January to get around to it but now I can type every letter. It's so great not having a flip phone.

Steve: That's great! I'm still trying to get caught up with everything. Like, what's a Hover board?

Tony: You don't want to know, pal. They don't even hover and they have no point to them. How much you wanna bet I could create an actual hover board?

Sam: Call me when you figre it out.

Rhodes: figure

Sam: oh my...

GG: Doesn't yours auto correct your spelling?

Sam: Oh I disabled that a long time ago. It's so annoying, it doesn't realy help.

Tony: Whatever. Also, there is 2 'l's in really

Sam: I'm done, good bye. Have fun auto correcting your frends.

Rhodes: Oh I am. It's friends not frends. Don't for get the I.

Steve: he needs to find better friends

Tony: There's no i in friends.

GG: Yes there is. F-R-I-E-N-D-S

Tony: whatever

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