Secret Samta

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Sam: Oh! Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to collaborate with you guys! Hey!

Thor: DASHING through the SNOW in a one-horse open SLEIGH!

Clint: Over the fields we go, laughing all the way! HA HA HA!

Rhodes: Bells on my house will fall! Making spirits die! What fun it is to watch their screaming faces as they die! Oh! Falling Bells! Falling Bells! Fall on the children! Oh what fun it is to die by committing suicide!

Wanda: Well that took an unexpected turn.

Nat: Did you come up with that by yourself? Now that's just depressing.

Sam: The only thing that's depressed is me when I look at his face.

Steve: Come on, that's not very nice.

Rhodes: Yeah, I like my face!

GG: Guys, listen.

Sam: Excuse me, we are in the middle of a conversation.

GG: It sucks to suck, doesn't it? Now listen. So on Chistmas Eve, I'm gonna have a paty! You'e all invited and ight now each of you is gonna daw a name fom the hat of anothe Avenge and you'll have to get them a pesent and at the paty we'll give each othe the pesents.

Nat: So like a Secret Santa thing?

GG: Exactly. So eveyone come and daw a slip of pape. Each one has a name on it.


Wanda: Thor, you aren't a suppose to tell anyone who you got.

Thor: ooPs. I didn't get Natasha. Shh!

GG: It's fine, just nobody else say who they got.

Clint: I got Thor! What am I gonna get him?


Bruce: What if I got myself?

GG: NO I TOLD YOU GUYS NOT TO TELL WHO YOU GOT SO- oh, well then daw anothe name.

Bruce: Alright.

GG: K now go home befoe you all blut who you got.

Sam: Yes, ma'am.

Tony: As you command

Thor: I will be eating POPTARTS in the kitchen

Agent Hill: I guess I'll see you all here at the party.

GG: I'll be looking foward to seeing you all.

Avengers: Age of TextingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora