Lets Party!

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Tony: Welcome, welcome!

GG: I've got to admit, you decoating skills ae fantastic.

Tony: Why thank you, I worked on it since 6 o'clock this morning.

Sam: okay, that's dedication

Clint: That's just weird

Tony: Don't make me order Death Star to tackle you!

Pepper: Tony, this is a party, relax.

Ant-man: Hello folks! How's it going? Still hate each other?

Steve: Only Tony

Tony: Fine, only Steve. And Sam. Also I sort of hate Nat for traitoring me.

Nat: 'traitoring'? Really? That's not even a real word.

Tony: Don't tell me what I know!

Rhodes: I hate Sam, also Vision

Vision: You now I'm here. Standing next to you.

Rhodes: Oh my goodness! How long have you been there?

Vision: Since you arrived.

Agent Hill: Okay, let's not play the blame game. Tony, what do you have planned?

Tony: I don't know. What do you guys want to play?

Clint: Werewolf!

Nat: good idea, who wants to be narrator?

Wanda: May I ask what Werewolf is?

Tony: We all sit in a circle, the narrator chooses who is gonna be which character and so on. You can watch the first round to get a feel of it.

Wanda: alright.

GG: Who's gonna be the naato?

Clint: I will!

Tony: okay, Everyone scoot in if you're playing, if you're not, get out of the circle.

Clint: okay. I'll announce what characters we're playing with. Let's see, who's playing? Tony, Nat, Sam, GG, Maria, James, Steve, Pepper, Bruce, Ant-man, and Fury. So we'll have 4 wolves, a witch, the Lovers, and a Hunter. The wolves get to agree on who they want to kill, the witch can use a potion to heal someone, but she only has 1 potion. When the Hunter dies, he/she gets to take down someone else with them. There are 2 lovers, when 1 of the lovers die, the other one automatically dies too. If the last few people alive are wolves, then they win, if all the wolves get killed, the villagers win. Oh, and everyday the villagers vote on who to kill.

Wanda: Who came up with this game?

Nat: Who cares, it's so much fun!

GG: Coulson, you don't want to play?

Coulson: I'd rather not play some child's game.

Tony: 'child's game'?! I am not a child!

Nat: Oh really?

Rhodes: Can we just start the game already?

Tony: Fine! Clint, give me a good character.

Clint: Why would I do that?

Pepper: You aren't suppose to tell anyone who you are, just to let you all know.

GG: Okay, let's get stated! Eveyone put you heads down and close you eyes. Stick out you hand, so Clint can choose the chaacters.

(The entire next chapter will be about them playing the game, alright)

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