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Basically look at my reading lists on my profile, but here they are:

Books by:

The Iron Defender Trilogy:

These books are wonderful! All three are completed. They are Avenger FanFics. I loved reading these and I'll most likely read them again soon. If you love action and fan fiction, then these are the books for you. I also enjoyed reading:

-Monica, My Dearest...

Which relates to the trilogy but from Tony's perspective. It is a fun read as well.

Book by:

-Blue Eyes

By far my favorite paranormal book EVER! I've already read it twice in the short time that I've discovered it. If you enjoy paranormal books with cute romances then definitely read this one.


Now for my followers and supporters!

Shoutout to my girl -iFallApart- just cause.

All those who voted on the last chapter:
@dunleejane @luna_martens @Jaegerbombastic03 @toothless40
And this is why I'm done writing ^
(Thanks to the 4 of you who actually care).

Thanks Jaylynwhiskers12 and lovingthecliches cause they're my friends.

That's all from me. Farewell guys!


P.S. I've decided not to delete this book

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