We're getting somewhere

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Tony: guys, look at this awesome picture of myself-

Tony: guys, look at this awesome picture of myself-

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Sam: no one cares!!!

Tony: gosh, I care.

Nat: Shut up, I'm trying to watch a movie!

Steve: what movie?

Nat: Finding Nemo so I can get ready to watch Finding Dory.

Clint: You aren't inviting me? How rude.

Nat: I don't like you, remember?

Clint: oh yeah.

GG: why don't you like him? I head that you two used to be a thing.

Nat: Clint is SOOO annoying!!!

Clint: well that's not very nice!

Tony: Same with Sam. Ha, that's funny. Don't be rude to my glorifying picture!

Thor: are you guys done arguing? I want to go shopping and get gum balls from the weird things at the mall but I have no friend to go with.

Pepper: guys, did you hear that? Maybe you should all go to the mall and become friends again!

GG: That sounds like a geat idea! Let's do it! I'll dive!

Sam: uh... No, I'm busy with... Stuff

Pepper: like what?

Sam: I... Got a new job... At, um, Arby's...

Tony: Riiiiiight!

GG: Tony! You should come too!

Tony: oh, I'd love to, but I have a CEO meeting for the rest of the day.

Pepper: Tony, you don't because I'm the CEO and the meeting is next week.

Tony: fine, I'll go. But only if Steve goes!

GG: Steve...

Steve: I'll go if Clint goes.

Pepper: Clint...

Clint: What? No way! But if Nat decides to go, then maybe...

GG: Nat...

Nat: only if you make Sam go.

Pepper: Sam, it's back to you...

Sam: but what about my job?!

Tony: Sam, we all know you don't have a job at Arby's.

Sam: Fine, I'll go!

GG: does anyone else want to join us?

Rhodes: I can't walk so I don't wanna go.

Tony: he's got a point there.

Pepper: Rhodes can stay.

GG: alight! Let's go! Eveyone meet at the Avenges towe, okay?

Rhodes: bye! Have fun! Tony, bring me back something cool!

Tony: whatever you say, man!

Spider-man: Wait, guys! I'm free, may I come with?!

Rhodes: dude, they gone.

Spider-man: oh man!

Bruce: Peter, you can come help me make a formula to cure cancer!

Spider-man: You know what, I would love to, but my Spidey senses are tingling! I gtg, bye!

Rhodes: dude, clearly he doesn't like you.

Bruce: what does 'gtg' mean?

Rhodes: really? You're worse than Steve! I'm gonna go watch TV, see ya!

Bruce: well, cancers not gonna cure itself!

Avengers: Age of TextingWhere stories live. Discover now