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(Sorry that it's a bit late, happy Thanksgiving, though!)

Fury: We are gathered together because a stupid holiday told us to

Wanda: Don't disrespect Thanksgiving! Aren't we just thankful that we are all here- alive and well- having a great time?

Pietro: I agree with my sister

Nat: Yes, we're very lucky to have you here with us, Pietro.

Pietro: Thank you for inviting me. Wanda and I have no where else to go.

Tony: Well we're glad you're here, now can I eat?

Steve: Yes, you can eat.

Tony: Good, because I'm starved! Now which bird should I eat first? The turkey, Hawkeye, or Falcon?

Nat: Isn't the turkey and Clint the same thing?

Clint: Hey! I'm not a turkey.

Tony: I'm just kidding, you don't have enough meat on you to eat. I'll pick the turkey.

Sam: Who made these mashed potatoes? Because they are delicious!

GG: I'm glad you like them, my mothe taught me how to make them.

Nat: They are good, all this food is good!

Bruce: Oh, Tony, how's your hand doing?

Tony: sore, but otherwise fine.

Maria: I think it's adorable that Tony risked his hand for Peppers glass turkey.

Tony: I knew that she loved that thing and I didn't want it to break.

GG: That's so sweet. Peppe, you tuly ae lucky to have a man like him.

Pepper: Sad enough, he's not my man.

Tony: Pepper, I'm sorry. I'm trying to be better. Please, let me have another chance.

Pepper: I'm not ready to forgive you yet

Tony: I'm willing to do anything.

Pepper: I said 'I'm not ready'

Rhodes: well..... the puddings good

Nat: James, not the right time. Tony, Pepper just needs some space, soon enough she'll be ready to forgive you. All you need is patience.

Tony: I don't need your advice anymore! I am being patient, all I want is for her to love me again. I can't do this anymore! Thanksgiving isn't the same without Pepper and it never will be. I'm done, just don't talk to me anymore.

Wanda: Nat, don't feel bad. They both need their space and it's not your fault. Don't let it drag you down, you tried to help and that's good enough.

Nat: But it's not good enough! I'm trying to help them but neither will even talk to me anymore. This is all a disaster! Probably the worst Thanksgiving ever.

Maria: Great, now 3 people are gone. What's thanksgiving without them?

Clint: I should probably talk to Nat, she'll listen to me.

Steve: I'll go talk to Tony, see if he's alright.

GG: I'll speak to Peppe, she pobably needs some company.

Maria: alright, Thanksgiving is officially cancelled this year for the Avengers. See you at Christmas if you're up for it.

GG: Eveything is falling apat again!

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