The past cannot be changed

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Tony: Well that was fun. How about we all go eat the wonderfully looking and tasting cake I made all by myself.

Pepper: Excuse me? I made that cake.

Tony: But I helped!

Pepper: Don't give me that crap. You sat and licked the batter off the beaters.

Nat: What do you expect from him?

Wanda: Boys, only thinking about themselves.

Pepper: I have to live with this everyday! While I'm slaving away, he's messing with his robots.

Tony: Wait a second here...

Nat: It's okay, girly. Maybe we should have a girl date, just us 3. Wait, also GG.

GG: I'm in!

Pepper: That's sounds fun. We don't need boys, right?

Tony: Uh, you need me

Wanda: Of course not! How about all of tomorrow, we ditch these men.

Clint: Don't ditch me.

Tony: What about my cake?

Nat: Sorry Tony, I'm sure your cake is amazing, but I'm going now. See you girls tomorrow!

Clint: But... you're my ride home.

Pepper: I'll be in my room, I'm very tired and I know I should get some sleep.

Tony: Honey, the party just started.

Clint: Guys, my ride just left. Do any of you mind giving me a ride?

Pepper: Tony, don't call me 'honey' anymore, okay? You can call me that when you learn some respect.

Tony: I do respect you! I even made you a suit so if you're ever in danger you can be safe.

Pepper: Well it's time to destroy it with the rest of them.

Tony: Hey, that took me 3 weeks so you should be grateful. I even programmed it to have a self defense mode with arc reactors and rockets. FRIDAY was also wired up so you always have help.

Pepper: That's sweet... but I need my space. When you decide to be respectful and loving, I'll be at my parents house.

Tony: Pep...

Bruce: Well... I gotta go finish a project, later.

Wanda: I'm sorry Mr. Stark, but I agree with Pepper. I need to go check on Pietro anyways, see you all later.

Fury: SHIELD agents, out.

Sam: Clint, I can give you a ride. Let's go Steve.

Steve: give me a second.

Sam: We'll be out in the car.

Steve: Tony, respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned. You need to respect others feelings, even if it doesn't mean anything to you it might mean everything to them. I know that Pepper loves you, and she would break if anything were to happen to you. But sometimes people need space, even Pepper, give her what she deserves and she will return it. Don't doubt yourself, just get some rest and handle it in the morning.

Tony: I'll try

Clint: That. Was. Beautiful.

Sam: Shut up and get in the car, Birdbrain.

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