Chapter 2

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"Eric, honey, shouldn't you slow down with the amount of work you take?" Raphael asked, a frown on his face as he stood beside me.

We were currently at the location for my fifth job. It was a photo shoot for a brand of shoes and I was the main model so, of course, I wore the best pair. And right now, I was taking my 15-minute break, eating an energy bar as it was the only food I wasn't lazy enough to shove into my mouth.

I glanced at Raphael, raising an elegant brow at him as he averted his gaze from me. It was understandable why he'd back away from my gaze. If he knew any better, he wouldn't have said those words in the beginning. When I started doing this job, we had an agreement that the amount of work I took was up to me to decide. I was the one getting paid with the big fat check anyway, so what the hell, right.

"Uhm. 'Cause overworking yourself like this could lead to you getting sick or worse, get bags under your eyes and make you less beautiful than you already are." He said quietly, his gaze remaining downcast as he spoke with true sincerity. "And you did say earlier that your head was aching, so maybe you should take the next week off. I could reschedule everything and you can just come back when you look and feel all better."

He fidgeted at my side, biting his bottom lip in a poor attempt at looking cute. His hands were at his back as he rocked back and forth on his feet. I could tell that he tried to alleviate my anger by standing up like that. And in all that he did, I found it disgusting.

Don't get me wrong. I liked the guy and all that, but I was just feeling a tad bit irritated and a bit out of it today. His sincerity did touch me and I was truly glad for his concern. But I was in no mood to accept any kindness. Especially after hearing the press conference of a certain asshole on the radio.

Yep, it was official. Riley finally tied the knot with Michael, making him, due to the legality of his ceremony, Riley Nelms. Riley-fucking-Nelms.

You don't know how much it stung when I found out he had married him today. I mean, I was just getting ready to leave and go to the next venue when, all of a sudden, someone left a goddamned radio on and the conference happened. Of course I had to know what they were talking about and I immediately regretted listening.

Michael was talking smugly, bragging to everyone how he had caught the man of his dreams and was able to reconnect with his son. Truthfully, he made it sound like a sob story. Like fate was trying to rip them apart and they fought together, braved through all the hardships and ended up in front of the altar in their very own version of a happy ending.

Well, fuck him! Not everyone will fall for his sweet words and charming smile.

Because I knew everything.

I knew the real story behind this sham of a marriage. I knew he wasn't the man he claimed to be in front of his adoring fans. Because if he were a real man, he wouldn't have left Riley in the first place. Or for that matter, never even attempted to mooch off of him. Now, he says this was done for a reason. Well, fuck him. The day he entered Riley's life was the same day my life went straight to hell.

How come a bastard like him got his happily ever after and I didn't? Hell, I was a lesser demon compared to him!

"Eric?" I heard Raphael call out, waking me from my crazed daze. My head was spinning so much just from the sound of his voice, my stomach suddenly felt like I was getting stabbed until blood gushed out. I could hear myself wheezing from the pain that struck me and I knew I wasn't going to get past this without a visit to the hospital.

"Let's do this, people! Eric, back to your position." ordered the photograher that was the devil's incarnate, pointing his megaphone to the general direction of the background I was supposed to stand in. "Come on, sleeping beauty. You ain't getting paid to sit there and look like a doll."

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