Chapter 21: Under the Sea

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"You're skinny, you don't need my meatball sub AND your own," I disagreed, taking a bite out of it. My taste buds did the samba. We'd held off on the Subway until this evening, Rogue, Netis, and I showing Blake and Chase the sights of Los Angeles. Although the twins were experienced models, their jobs had never brought them here. I checked my phone between bites. 9:32.

       "Exactly, I'm a growing young lady!" Netis pointed out. I eyed her short, petite  stature skeptically.

"You're obviously not doing much growing anymore," I sniffed, pretending to glare at her disdainfully. Blake snorted with laughter while Chase watched me wearily.

"What?" I demanded, taking another huge bite from my sandwich.

"When you pull that arrogant, snooty face you look just like that bitch," Chase fake-gasped in horror, backing away as if I had just told him I had a contagious flesh eating disease. I pulled a face, swallowing.

  "I'd rather look like Hitler," I spat. Rogue wrapped an arm around me comfortingly, pressing a kiss to my temple. I shivered at the simple show of affection. I'd been interrupted earlier and it was going to nag at me.

"Rogue, come pick cookies with me?" I asked, standing. His eyes lit up so much it was ridiculous. Rubbing his hands together with an evil look, he stood, taking my hand as we walked to the counter. The employees stood a few feet back in a huddle, making meaningful eye contact with each other. I'm guessing they recognized someone in our little group. 

I turned to look at him, biting my lip. Now or never. Mentally punching my brain in the face as it began singing "Now Or Never" from High School Musical, I spoke.

"Rogue, I just wanted to know why you didn't say anything when Yvette was chewing me out back at the photoshoot," I said in a rush, flushing. To be honest, I didn't want Rogue to yell at her for me. When I was young, I figured out that waiting for a man to be your knight in shining armor and to run around protecting your every feeling, lovingly take care of your every tiny need was just... stupid. And lame. I wasn't some damsel in distress, and I was glad Rogue had at least waited until I was gone to yell at her. I guess I just needed to know Rogue wasn't just letting her walk all over me because he was too afraid to speak up. That wasn't something I could see him doing though, now that I think about it.

Wow. Guys were right to always be worried whether or not a girl was testing them when she asked a question.

To my shock, he began snorting with hidden giggles, until it became full blown laughter. I stood there, outraged, my jaw unhinged and resting cozily on the floor.

"Why are you laughing?" I demanded. All he did was laugh harder, with a hiccup thrown in for good measure. I was tempted to kick him or something but he looked so.... Gah! So fucking cute! Grabbing a nicely wrapped loaf of bread for sale off the counter ledge, I whacked him on the head. I handed it back to the shocked girl who worked there, ignoring the roars of laughter from our table. I shot them an amused look, only to let out a squeak of surprise when Rogue threw his arms around me, still laughing. I flushed as he gently tugged me out of Subway, pulling me away to the side of the building.

"Ari," he chuckled, finally calming down enough to speak. "You're too independent for that. I can't really picture you wanting me jumping to rescue you like some hero to save you from a mean girl. You'd probably want to tell her off yourself," he added, smirking. "I'll admit, though, I could not help but yelling at her after you walked away. I hated how she made you feel," he murmured, pressing his forehead to mine. Funny how after all that fuss, I was still dazed and distracted by his beautiful accent, his low husky voice.

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