Chapter 14

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Kyoya's POV:

I held Y/N closer to my chest trying to shield her away from my father. He walked closer with his signature scowl.

"Didn't I say you were supposed to stop seeing this girl at once? You are already engaged to marry the daughter of the CEO that has recently made ties with our company, Akihira Shimizu." Suddenly Y/N pushed me away and backed up.

"S-So you were using me for sex I-I knew it..I hate you!" She yelled and ran out my father blocking my path to go and get her making a growl come out of my throat. I took a step back and watched with sad eyes as she ran away. I couldn't tell her..he would hurt her. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"You have three days till you marry.. I sent her an invitation and I do believe she will be coming with a date."

I held back from doing something I would regret. If I work really hard I might be able to make it to the wedding, but I might just have to marry Akihira to keep Y/n safe.

(I'm not going to tell you his plan because that will spoil everything)

Y/n's POV:

I really thought that he loved me! I knew it was too good to be true that such a cool guy liked me! It hurts so much to know that he was engaged this whole time. He cheated on his fiancé with me! I feel awful!

I decide to head to school to see if the host club is doing some kind of event. Maybe one of them can tell me what is going on.

When I get there they are actually doing an event it was summer themed...weird since it's December but ok...

The first person I see is Mori and Honey senpai sitting down at a table eating cake with a bunch of girls.

"Y/n-chan over here!" I hear Honey yell in my direction.

The second I saw them I couldn't help but start crying. Mori walked over to me and started to pat me on the head, and Honey went over to hug me.

"What happened?" Mori said with a bit of worry in his voice.

"K-Kyoya was engaged and he never told me. And now he is getting married to this girl I've never even met before in a couple of days! I was even invited." I say with tears streaming down my face.

"That's no mean!!! We should get Kyoya back for this!" Honey yells.

"What should we do?" I ask wiping away my tears.

"Mori and I will take you to the wedding! And then..." Honey starts thinking to himself.

"Crash it?" I ask trying to finish his sentence.

"Yeah that would probably be funny!" Honey says hugging me again.

"Why do I have to go Mitskuni?" Mori said finally saying something.

"Cause we gotta beat Kyoya up if he doesn't take Y/n back!" Honey says holding a thumbs up and winking.

After we finally came up with the plan I see Tamaki walking towards us.

"I heard everything!" Tamaki immediately says.

"I figured." I respond bluntly.

"We have to crash that wedding it may seem like it's all over but Kyoya loves you very much." Tamaki says finally saying something that's somewhat helpful.

"Then we will in 3 days!"

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