Chapter 8

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In celebration of 100 followers I'm making a new part even though I still have some writers block going on. Enjoy.


After that night we went back to Ouran Academy to get back to work. It's been a week since we have gotten back to work and there's something that's been bothering me. It's as if that night never happened. Kyoya doesn't talk to me as much as he used to but then again maybe I've been trying to bring it up to much.

As I was sitting at the table with Honey and Mori senpai I see Kyoya talking to some girls smiling his usual smile with his notepad. I see him glance at me but as soon as he notices I was staring he looks away. That's it. If he is going to ignore me then I will too! We'll see who comes crawling back.

I spend the rest of the day trying to not even give him one glance. I avoid him and I even skipped afternoon host club. I didn't even sit next to him in any of my afternoon classes. I normally sit next to him in most of my classes. I then went home for the day. I did the same thing for a few more days and once it was Thursday I started to feel eyes on me during my morning class. Once I tried to leave I was stopped by Tamaki.

"Y/n why have you not been going to the club?" He asked.

"K-" Before I could even respond he grabbed my hand and ran over to a corner away from everyone.

"Kyoya has been pissed off about you ignoring him. He's been in a bad mood ever since yesterday. And I mean a scary mood, worse than when he wakes up in the mornings." He whispered.

"Well he's been ignoring me too ever since that trip he barely talks to me." I said obviously flustered.

"It's your funeral Y/n." Tamaki said smirking.

I shrug and start walking. The rest of the week goes on like this.

~Time skip to Monday~

I walk into class feeling an abnormal amount of tension I see Kyoya in the back staring at me. He seems agitated. I smirk to show that that was my intention. I then look over at Tamaki who is in the corner just shaking his head at the situation. I then shrug and sit down in the front just to avoid him again. This goes on for the rest of the day until I start walking to the front of the academy. I then feel two people link arms with me. I look up to see it's the twins.

"We got her." Hikaru says over the phone.

Immediately after he says this a limo pulls up and they throw me in the car. The car doors then lock and I'm unable to get out.

The car ride lasts for about 30 minutes until I arrive at a familiar house...

It's Kyoya's.


Sorry for the short chapter but it's better than nothing right? Thank you guys so much for following me! Or just plain reading my work. Whatever you did thanks.

Other than that I'm going to make a few more works one is going to be from an anime called "Blood Lad" PLEASE WATCH IT! It's only 10 episodes long (Not including one OVA) it wouldn't take long to watch it all. If you are still interested I will tell you what kind of genre it is and what it is about below! (I got this off of a website so I didn't write this myself)


Action, Comedy, Supernatural, Some Romance


Staz Charlie Blood is a powerful vampire who rules the Eastern district of Demon World. According to rumors, he is a bloodthirsty and merciless monster, but in reality, Staz is just an otaku obsessed with Japanese culture and completely uninterested in human blood. Leaving the management of his territory to his underlings, Staz spends his days lazing around, indulging in anime, manga, and games.

When Fuyumi Yanagi, a Japanese girl, accidentally wanders through a portal leading into the demon world, Staz is overjoyed. But just as he is starting to feel an unusual attraction to her, his territory is attacked, resulting in Fuyumi's untimely death. She turns into a wandering ghost and the crestfallen Staz vows to resurrect her as this would mean being able to travel to the human world, something he has always dreamed of.

Blood Lad follows Staz and Fuyumi, soon joined by the spatial magician Bell and the half-werewolf Wolf, as they travel to find a magic that can bring humans back to life.

If it doesn't sound interesting please at least watch the first episode it's a pretty good anime in my opinion. It's in english sub and dub so it works for both ways. If you so watch it I LOVE YOU!

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