Chapter 9

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time I hope you like the chapter! There's gonna be some drama!!!


I look around scared. Why were they bringing me here if they said it would be my own funeral? I couldn't think for much longer till I was shoved out of the car and it drove away. I got up brushing the dirt of me till I heard a familiar voice.

"Took you too long to get here.." He said as he was looming over me.

"W-Well it wasn't my fault you ordered them to kidnap me!" I crossed my arms looking away to piss him off more since he liked to see my face when he was talking.

"Y/N..." Kyoya's voice sounded almost like a growl. I huffed and turned started to walk home before I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and lift me up into the air.

"Kyoya put me down!" I screeched hitting his back. He walked into his house and up the stairs staying completely silent. Oh no this was bad. He usually just made some comment but he was dead silent. I could feel the anger rolling off him.

"You've been bad Y/N. You know I don't like it when you are bad." I shivered biting my lip. I was fully aware Kyoya hated when I was bad. I decided to have some fun and tease him letting out a small squeak when he threw me on the bed pinning me down. He began to bite my neck and I bit my lip suppressing my moans when I heard another growl. I shivered softly. 

"I am not happy with you..." Kyoya grabbed my chin kissing me deeply and moved my head away. 

"I'm not happy with you!" I began to fake sniffle to make him feel bad and I saw him soften. I continued. "I mean you ignored me first as I gave you something no one else can have..!"

"Y-Y/N.." He looked at me and I looked away getting up.

"I'll get a cab to drive home Kyoya.. I do not want to see you right now.." I admitted softly getting up and leaving.

I then feel Kyoya grasp my arm tightly. I pulled away as hard as I could and bolted out of the house. I hear his footsteps slowly catching up to me as I make my way to the street. If I stop now he'll catch me! I think as I carelessly cross the street without looking.

"Y/n! No!" Kyoya yells.

I look around to see why he's yelling and then everything goes black.

~Kyoya's POV~

I ran as fast I could to her. "Y-Y/N!" I picked her up looking around. I called my father and got one of the cars to come quickly to take us to my family's hospital. I kept stroking their face until I felt a surge of anger. I called my father again to deal with the man that hit her. I ended the call when we got to the hospital running her in. The doctors immeadiately took her and I tried to follow till the nurses stopped me outside the operating room. 

"I own this hospital let me in!" I struggled again, but they still wouldn't let me in. I wouldn't listen till one nurse spoke up.

"Sir! Sir! If you come in you may make the doctors feel nervous and unfocused yes? Go wait in the private room and when she is finished with surgery we will bring her here. I will update you as much as I can." After she said that, I calmed down and walked up to the private suite sitting on the couch. I noticed I was covered in blood and felt a little sick to my stomach. Shit, this is all my fault isn't it. I called my driver getting some clothes and washed myself off, and I waited.

The nurse came in after an hour and I shot up. "How is she is she okay?" My words were rushed and jumbled. The nurse puts a hand on my shoulder and nods.

"Yes, but the operation will last about three more hours. Her right leg is broken, but It was a clean break which is better. She has some severe head trauma. There is no telling when she will wake up and when she does she may not remember anything.." Her hand leaves my shoulder as she walked away. I pulled at my hair sitting down and hiding my face in my hands. 

Will she remember me? What if she never wakes up?

I paced around the room for the next three hours till she was finally put in the room where I pulled a chair close and sat. I held their hand close looking at their face. Her usually glowing and full face looked drained and suken it. Cuts and bruises dottied over her face neck in arms. I kissed her hand lightly.  I waited and waited and waited. She didn't wake up for three weeks. Every day I repeated the same pharse.

"Wake up Y/N.. Wake up for me.."


Hey this is K and I finally got around to reupdating the chapter! The plot hasn't changed just the writing!


K (My friend) Kind of specializes in plot while I specialize in the sex stuff so she is going to help me make this story a bit more suspenseful and interesting. I hope that's ok but there will be a lot more lemons! I'm sorry if you don't like lemons!

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