Chapter 2

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I hope you liked part one, sorry I'm not very creative on the whole title names and stuff but it's not about the title so it's all good!


It's lunch time, and my cheeks still feel hot from what Kyoya said to me. I follow Kyoya and Tamaki to where they hold the host club since I didn't know where it was and Kyoya was holding my hand the whole time! -but I noticed he was trying to make it as unnoticeable as possible. It's cute how he's so shy. When we finally get there I start to feel really anxious and when Tamaki opened the door the room was already filled with girls. They were all separated in different groups and each type of host club member would hang out with that specific group that requested them. The weird thing is girls were obsessed with Kyoya, but they never hung out with him...why?

Not knowing where to go I follow Kyoya like a lost duckling and he doesn't seem to mind unlike when Tamaki was following us in the halls. He finally sat down at a table with his computer and looking at his expression on his face it seemed he wanted me to sit next to him.

"Why haven't any girls requested you?" I ask timidly.

He looks up from his computer and without delay, answers my question.

"Girls don't normally fascinate me, they all normally act the same. Here anyways."

"Oh." I sigh.

"Until now." He blurts, but still obtaining his cool somehow.

I tilted my head as if asking him to explain what he meant, he smirked, then sighed.

"(y/n), Surprisingly, You fascinate me." He says in a nonchalant manner.

Is he saying he likes me? This is only my first day of school and this is ridiculous how someone could have taken a liking to me this quickly.

"You are the only girl that I have let sit next to me in a while, the only one I have taken an interest in, I know this is very forward but would you mind going on a date with me?" His eyes looked at me in a way like he already knew my answer.

"Um...sure." I answer back awkwardly.

He smiled and his eyes brightened the whole atmosphere of the room, it was weird, but it made me so happy.

"After school?" He asked. He stated it as if it wasn't an option, and I shrugged my shoulders for a yes.

"My house is really close to here it's small but nice..." I suggested.

He smiled and seemed to have love the idea of going to my house.

Heading back to class I felt really tired from eating such a good lunch. I laid my head on my desk forgetting someone sat next to me, and drifted off to sleep. I wake up noticing the sun was setting, school ends at 3, and the sun is setting! I looked next to me and Kyoya was asleep as well. I was shocked, Kyoya is the last person I would think of to sleep during class. I poked his cheek and before I could completely pull my hand away he grabbed it. He stood up, still drowsy from sleep and he raised his hand with my hand in it making me stand up too.

"Let's go" He says in a deep raspy voice.

I nod and we walk out of the class room. I know he was supposed to have his host club to go to but I think he is skipping it today. We walk down the streets and I could see my apartment. I point at it, and he walks in front of me walking a lot faster, considering it was also dark, it wasn't very safe outside. He was walking so fast I couldn't keep up and my vision was also still blurry from my nap. I rub my eyes with my palm and before I knew it I tripped over who knows what. Instead of expecting him to catch me, like in those cheesy movies, I face planted on the ground, along with my ankle which was too painful to move. I frowned and looked up at him. He frowned back at me and got down to my level to lift me up bridal style. I'm starting to think he did that on purpose. No sorry - nothing.

When we finally get there he lays me on the couch and grabs a blanket to put over me and him. Our final decision was to watch a movie. The couch was small, and he insisted on us both sharing the couch even though there was another chair right next to it.

It was really awkward at first and I was really stiff. I was a bit too scared to move, but then he broke the silence. 

"I did that on purpose." He blurted with an accomplished smirk on his face.

I could feel my face boiling from embarrassment, and anger. I tried to push him off the couch but before I could get him completely off he held me closer causing us both to fall off the couch. He was basically crushing me under his body weight and I let out a small cry in pain from my ankle. 

He then lifted himself off of me and just stayed there, just gazing into my eyes.

"Im sorry y/n." He said.

"It's fine, this was way more interesting than a movie." I forced a smile through the pain.

After all that happened my eyes felt really heavy, so I closed them, but before another minute passed I felt Kyoya's lips on mine. I've never kissed anyone before! I lightly pushed him away and opened my eyes.

"I think I like you." He said hesitantly.

I smile, and he kisses me again.


Sorry its been a while! I haven't checked how many reads and I was planning to update every 5 reads but I got way more than 5! I hoped you enjoyed this part. :D I was really close to 1000 words too! Now I will update every 10 reads!

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