Eighteen: Curiosity Killed The Mudblood

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Pansy's POV

Hunter hasn't spoken to me. I see him in the corridors, but we never talk anymore. I feel like crying whenever I see him. He was the first guy that I've really, truly liked. With more time, I might've even grown to love him.

Speaking of the devil, Hunter and I crossed paths in the corridor. He bumped against me, crushing my arm against the wall. I bit my lip to keep from crying.

"Hi Hunter." I smiled, despite my throbbing arm.

He shook his head and walked away from me. "Dude, what's your problem?" Crabbe punched Hunter. "Leave her alone, she hasn't done anything to you!"

I had no idea why Crabbe was so upset. We barely even talked these days, and now he was sticking up for me against Hunter, which was shocking and unnecessary. 

I could take care of myself, I didn't need Crabbe to pretend to be my "hero".

"Crabbe, go away." I glared at him. "I can take care of myself."

"No. I stay here." He said sounding remarkably like a caveman. 

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He sulked away. 

God, he's such an arse sometimes.

I headed to my next lesson, Transfiguration. When I got there, the room was buzzing with noise. I took my seat next to Flora. "What's going on?" I asked her. 

She looked up from her mirror. "No idea. But McGonagall will tell us when she gets here."

The tabby cat sprinted up towards the desk, and transformed into our professor. "Good evening, class. Today we'll be-"

She was interupted by a knock on the door. Behind the door waited Neville Longbottom. "Sorry to disturb you, professor, but Dumbledore wants everyone in the Great Hall immediately."

"Why? What is so important to interrupt my class for?" McGonagall asked him. 

"It's Hermione Granger. She's gone missing now." Neville said. 

McGonagall looked at us gravely. "Let's go to the Great Hall now."

My blood ran cold. Hermione was gone.

One hour earlier...

Hermione's POV

"Ugh, just tell me where she is!" I hollered at the first year. The girl squealed. 

"I don't know, Miss Parkinson went towards Herbology, but she wasn't there, and I don't know where she went!" The girl squealed. 

"Fine. Go away before I hex you." I hissed. 

The girl ran away, practically wetting her pants with fear. I liked having that effect on people.

Fine, if Pansy was gone, I'd just go through the tunnel by myself then. The first time had been scary, but this time would be fine, right?

Usually teachers roamed the corridors, but I got lucky. None of them were in the halls by the dungeons. 

The common room was empty, just as it should be. Nobody would be out right now. I climbed up the stairs to the girls dorms. 

In the girls dorms, nobody was there, they were all at lessons. I opened the door and climbed inside, careful to shut the door behind me.

The tunnel was still as grimy and cold as I remembered it. Grimacing, I breathed only through my mouth so I wouldn't smell the scent of dead fish. 

The Malfoy Who Lived (A Harry Potter Fan-Fiction) *COMPLETED* (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now