Four: The Sorting

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I went over to a Thestral, and got on with Luna and Neville. Then Ginny and her friend Parvati got in the carriage with us, and the Thestral pulled us up the hillside. 

I looked out the window of the carriage, and and Luna pulled out the Quibbler again. It seemed unlikely that she hadn't finished it by now though. Neville was staring at her, smiling. 

Did Neville fancy her? I frowned, studying him. Neville wasn't exactly popular with girls... but he might have a chance with Luna... I'll talk to him about it later.

"Hi Draco." Ginny smiled at me. 

"Hey Ginny." I smiled back. Ginny and I weren't that close, but I still liked her. She was the toughest female I'd met. 

"I'm so excited to be back for sixth year!" Parvati gushed to Ginny. "It feels like just yesterday we were first years... and now we've only got two years left! I'll miss Hogwarts."

I felt a pang in the pit of my stomach. She was right; there were only two more years left. What would I do after that? Would I have to go back to the Dursleys? I cringed. Spending the last year of my childhood with Aunt Petunia, Dudley, and Uncle Vernon wasn't a pleasant thought.

The Thestral stopped, and everybody got out of the carriage.

"Hey, Luna. Who do you fancy?" I asked her. I had to know if she fancied Neville, or else I wouldn't bring it up with him.

She blushed crimson. "Nobody, Draco, Why would you think that I fancy someone?" By the way she was talking, it was clear she fancied someone. 

"Well, I just-" I began, before she disappeared. That was odd. Neville appeared by my side as the doors opened, and we entered the school. 

I went and sat down in the Great Hall next to Neville. Luna went to the Ravenclaw table, most likely glad to have a reason not to sit with me.

Then the first years came in. I sighed, my stomach growling with hunger. I didn't care about watching first years getting sorted, I was hungry!

"Henry, David." McGonagall said. 

A small boy, looking very shy went up to the stool, and put on the hat.

"Hufflepuff!" The Sorting Hat shouted.

He looked relieved, and went to sit at the table next to Hannah Abbott. The Hufflepuff cheers died down as McGonagall moved onto the next name.

"James, Elizabeth." 

A petite girl with deep blue eyes went up to the stool. 


The table errupted in cheers, and Elizabeth practically skipped to the table. 

I rolled my eyes. Everybody thought Slytherins were so cool, but really they were just arrogant jerks. Slytherins irked me. Plus, they had Harry Potter leading their dumb gang. They weren't cool at all; they were as far from it as you can get. They were all enthusiastically showing their support for Lord Voldemort, but only in Potions, as Professor Snape would never turn them in. 

I looked over at Emily, who was standing in a group of people to McGonagall's right. She was laughing with some girl. Then the girl said something, pointing at Harry, and Emily blushed. My heart sank. She obviously doesn't think of me that way.... Of course, I don't fancy her either. She's new, and I barely know her, so I can't fancy her.

Maybe I'm just overreacting, or assuming too quickly. The girl could've said anything to Emily, there were no facts to prove that Emily fancied Harry. Now I sound like Granger.

The Malfoy Who Lived (A Harry Potter Fan-Fiction) *COMPLETED* (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now