On the first night of Christmas...

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After getting the sleigh to fly, the father and son duo took to the skies.

"Oh where is she?" Sam said as they flew over a quiet neighbourhood. There were houses of every size and height in the small cul de sac.

"We'll find her Sam, just be patient," his father told him.

All Sam could taste was the snowflakes landing on his tongue. How he wanted to taste her lips on his lips-- even though they'd never kissed before. He wondered if they tasted like Christmas, which he had to confess he didn't entirely hate anymore.

Sam munched on a sugar cookie as he leaned his head out of the window. "Melody could be anywhere-- Rome, London even Jamaica!"

His father stopped the sleigh in mid air, causing the reindeers to screech to a sudden halt.  A cool breeze fanned Sam's face causing him to sweep his hair out of his face. "What did you do that for?"

"Because if you don't calm down I will turn this sleigh around. Got it?" Santa's eyes softened as he saw his son's gloomy expression. He put the sleigh in neutral. "Look, I'm sorry. I just can't stand to see you this way all heartbroken over this girl. Where's your Christmas spirit?"

"She took it, along with my heart."

And with that, not a word was uttered until the next passing town.

"Can we stop for cheese fries?" Sam slid back into his seat. Sounds of hunger growled from his stomach. He was tired of sugar cookies, to the point that one look would send him puking over the next house.

"And miss Christmas? What an absurd boy! Just take some cookies from the bag that your mother gave you! Are you sure you're cut out for this job?" He sent Sam a suspicious glance as he reached into the bag himself.

"You already know the answer to that question," Sam answered.

Grumbling, he let the night air take his breath away as he stared at the moon. The marvelous sight had become his friend on this lonely night-- far away from his true friend-- the girl who managed to steal his heart. 

"I know what that sigh means so I'll just ask my question. Is she a toy delivery expert?"

When Sam didn't respond, probably thinking that that was the most stupidest question his dad ever asked him, his dad spoke again.

"...Then I'm pretty sure she hasn't gotten that far."


Callouses on the insides of her hands caused her to wince in pain, as she tried to pull herself upwards. She looked down and instantly regretted it, closing her eyes as she saw how high up she was. 

"Dancer, Dasher, Vixen, Rudolph help! Now! Please," she pleaded as adrenaline shot through her veins. She stammered and prepared herself for the worst. It was all she could do.

The shingles creaked and one broke in half as the reindeers trotted closer. Realizing what was happening, she commanded them not to come a step further. "I'll fall, stop right there."

They moved back happy that they weren't her.

Her fingers burned as she could only feel the throbbing sensation courtesy of the bone chilling cold. They felt as though they'd been slammed inside a door, not once, not twice but a dozen times.

 Even her warmest clothing couldn't prevent Jack Frost from seeping into her bones, causing her to sneeze profusely. "If I get hypothermia it is all his fault." 

And by him she wasn't talking about Frost anymore.

Her nose became as red as Rudolph's and now she really wished she was stuck inside a chimney. At least it would be warm.

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