Santa is Coming to Town?

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Melody watched as the familiar silhouette entered the elevator.

As the doors slid closed, she saw it! The golden dust! Now why did Sam have it? None of it made sense-- not the card, not the shiny dust. He couldn't be-- no there was no way! Him, Santa Claus? He was the grouchiest person in the world when it came to Christmas. Surely he couldn't be the one to deliver toys.

Pushing the buttons, she hopped into the next elevator, trying to find where he had gone. She ran out in the freshly fallen snow, almost losing sight of Sam's footprints.

Panting, she spotted his trademark scarf blowing in the night air. She was careful to keep her distance, she didn't want to startle him.

He turned into a snowy clearing, bramble bushes and bare trees garnished the forest against the purple nightfall. 

Melody held her breath as she entered further into the forest. She couldn't see where she was going. Only the crunching of Sam's feet guided her. Wanting to turn back, she realized she couldn't. Not only because she had a job to do (delivering the card), but also because she was lost.

Everywhere she turned, looked exactly the same.

Suddenly, a spark shot into the sky, both scaring her and exciting her. She decided the only logical thing to do was follow it. 

Sprinting towards where she had saw the light, what she faced left her with more questions than answers.

She could just make out the large object in the distance.

The object had red trim, swirling designs and stood tall. Huge was definitely an underestimation when staring at the monster of an object.

Her mittens glided across the metal and wood furnishings. In her haste, she had totally forgotten about Sam. She had all the more reason to, as her curiosity descended over her.

Marveling over the sleigh, she hadn't the smallest thought of how it had ended up here-- in the middle of the woods. Had it broken down? Had the owner misplaced it somehow?

Melody chortled as she realized how silly the last thought was! This sleigh was a honker-- surely no one would misplace it.

She was so enchanted in it-- the same way Sam had been when he first laid eyes on her. But she didn't know that.

Climbing into it, or should I say falling into it? She was left in a rather uncomfortable position. The only thing cushioning her fall was the soft material from the seats. 

Groaning, she quickly sat up to find annoyed yet surprised eyes frowning into her own. She gave a cheeky smile, hoping he wouldn't be mad. 

"What are you doing here?" Sam scowled, startled by her sudden drop- in.

"Oh you know," she brushed herself off as he helped her up and out of the sleigh, "just out for a stroll."

"In the forest?" his eyebrows raised as he stared at the flustered girl trying so hard to make up an excuse.

"Hey, you were doing the same thing!" she pointed out.

"So you admit that you were following me?" He folds his arm waiting for her best excuse.

"I was not! Like I said I was taking a stroll through the forest!" she stretched her arms out wide, showing him the forest around them.

"If I did believe that-- which I don't, why would you be exercising in the night?" he furrowed his brow trying to figure out which was more confusing: this girl or his love life?

She shrugged, not delving too much in to it. "It helps me think."                      She was getting pretty good at this lying thing, she thought to herself.

She kicked the bottom of the sleigh with her foot. "You know for someone who is Santa Claus, you sure aren't jolly."

Sam's heart stopped. "Pfft. I'm not Santa Claus. That's preposterous! Why would you think that?" a nervous chuckle left his lips.

"Um...I don't know...the sleigh?" 

"There is no sleigh."

"Right behind you. I should know I'm the one who fell into it."

Sam cracked up with laughter. "Oh yeah, you did."

"Laugh it up," she commanded. "Very mature."

And so he continued on. 

"Are you finished?" she checked her imaginary watch.

He pretended to zip his lip and after a short chuckle, he nodded.

"Back to the sleigh," she said but was cut off.

Quick as a whip, Sam blew some of the glitter that Melody had seen earlier. Instantly the sleigh disappeared.

"How did you--! What the--! That is so cool!" she clapped her hands in delight and amusement.

"Oh you think that's cool?" Now he was show boating but Melody was much too busy not focusing on that.
"Watch this."

Using two fingers, he whistled a merry tune-- a contrast to the grumpy one he sang earlier. Instantly three reindeers appeared.

She smiled a smug grin. "You were saying you weren't Santa Claus?"

Now he turned red. "You tricked me!"

"What? Me, trick you? That has got to be the craziest thing I've ever heard. Well more crazy than seeing Santa Claus. I never even knew Santa Claus was actually real--"

He cleared his throat. "I'm not Santa Claus."

"But you--the sleigh--the reindeer!" she stammered as the moon rose into the sky.

"I'm not Santa Claus," he paused. 


"Okay," he returned to repairing the sleigh and slid under it, screwing with some bolts.

"Were you the one who lit that fuse?" she crouched down on the snow, where only his torso peeked out from underneath the sleigh.

He rolled out from under it, giving Melody his undivided attention. "Yeah. Why do you ask?"


Understanding what she referred to and knowing that he was right about her following him, he gave her a warm smile.

"I found this," she began fishing through her pocket until she found what she needed. "I think this belongs to you," she placed the card in his hand.

"My card! I've been looking all over for it!" he beamed with joy and squeezed her into a giant hug. "Where'd you find it?"

"You dropped it," she replied feeling warm and fuzzy after he released her.

"Thanks, you don't know what this means to me," he replied.

"What does Santa Baby mean?" she wondered, cupping her hand with her mouth, finally sputtering the question.

"What?" Sam turned red.

"Santa Baby," she repeated.

"Oh that. That's a typo," he showed her the card, so she could read it over. "It's supposed to say Santa's Baby," he scratched his head.

"Santa's Baby? So that means--"

"I'm his son," Sam replied.

So back in the second chapter when Melody spoke to Anna and how I mentioned that Sam couldn't stay mad at her because of his heritage and family tree? Well, now it all makes sense! His dad is Santa, Santa likes kids, etc?

What were you guys expecting before this reveal? (Did you think Sam was Santa or were you caught totally off guard?)


Thanks and happy reading!

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