All I want for Christmas Isn't You

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Brushing the snow off of his clothes, he was greeted by the warmness of the sweet shoppe.  Cupping his hands around the frosty glass, his eyes studied her. In the corner, regaling an old Christmas tale to the little children, was a young woman with a cherubic face. 

Pulling the door open, Sam untied the scarf that was wrapped like a bow around his neck. 

Her glistening brown eyes lit up in amazement as she turned the page, the children sighing in awe. He remained in utter enchantment as the children clapped their hands.

She did a cute little bow and waved as the children scurried off to their parents. Sensing his luck, Sam picked up a menu by the counter. He glanced at it, hoping that she wouldn't notice him noticing her.

A scowl crossed her face as her eyes bore into his. His mind went blank, not having the faintest recollection of what he did to her.

"May I ask why you are scowling at me?" Sam slid the menu back into its place, not once removing his gaze.

"You, you're the one who hates Christmas and the one who knocked me over yesterday at the Market," she stated with her tone as blunt as a knife.

All twenty heads faced Sam's direction. He couldn't see them-- no, he felt their presence creep up by the hairs on his neck.

"Yeah, and?" Sam gave her a disapproving look, taking in her festive green and red holiday attire.

"Ms. Melody," a child with blonde pigtails and an adorable grin placed her tiny hands on the counter. Melody smiled as she bent down to reach the little girl's level. Only her hands were visible on the white countertops.

"Yes, Anna?" 

Instantly, Melody's voice rang out like a beautiful song in his ears. It was one that he wanted to play over and over again.

"Don't hang around him. Your Christmas spirit might go away!" The little girl folded her arms giving him a mean pout.

Sam tried to stay mad, but knowing his heritage and family tree, there was no way that was happening.

She chuckled a grin, as she stroked the little girl's hair. "Is that so?"


An incredulous smirk crept across Melody's face, as if she wasn't entirely believing of this fact. "Okay, okay, fine. Don't you worry Anna, My Christmas Spirit will not fade, no matter what. "

"You're sure?"

"I'm positive, as positive as Santa Claus will be delivering presents this year!"

The hairs on Sam's neck stood up again as he heard that name. The name he'd tried so hard to forget.

"Fine, I believe you, Ms. Melody. As for you," Anna turned to face him, angry as ever. "Do not ruin Christmas!"

What a spirited little girl!

Sam swiveled his stool around, capturing Melody's interest. He watched as dribbles of coffee painted the white counter. "You missed a spot," He offered her a napkin.

His hand wavered as she grabbed a nearby cloth instead.

"Your name's Melody, right?"

Melody didn't acknowledge Sam's  question, nor did she look in his vicinity.

He repeated the question again, this time earning a fist slamming onto the hard surface. "What do you want?"

In an instant, the sweet faced woman turned into a harsh angry elf.

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