Baby, it's too cold outside

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"Here, you look like you're freezing," Melody reached over to the ottoman, lifting the cover to reveal  storage and a plush blanket.
The quilt fabric brushed through her fingers as she extended her arm towards him.

"Thanks," Sam wrapped the cozy blanket over his body and stared at her as she returned to her book. He couldn't  believe he had actually knocked her over, looking back on it. She seemed like someone he would have noticed.

"If you're done staring," she quipped as Sam's face turned as red as a tomato, "grab a book."

"I'd rather not," A wave of nostalgia washed over him as he tilted his head towards the shelf.

"How about I tell you a story instead?" Her eyebrows lifted as she considered his gesture.

"Why?" she leaned over so now her head was upside down with her feet resting on the inside of the chair.

"Because you look bored reading those books. I can tell you've spent all waking hours of the night reading them."

"You get all of that from a blank expression?" she adjusted her body, getting a good look at him as the candle burned weakly.

"A blank expression is one of the most detailed canvases." He saw her eyes flick over in interest.

"Continue on," she put down her book and gave Sam the cutest smile he'd ever seen.

"Once there was a young boy who dreamed of exploring the world. Everytime he would talk about it, his eyes would shine like the Milky Way. One day in particular he wanders far from home--

Melody held her breath hanging on to every word that left his lips.

Continuing on, a strange burning sensation fills his eyes. It's not until Melody is sitting beside him, that he notices he is crying.

"Sam, are you okay?" she follows the direction his head makes when he turn away from her.

"Why would you ask that? Of course I'm fine."
He soon realizes he's having a conversation with a wall, when he notice her presence is gone.

"Melody?" Sam croaks out, startled at how his voice rings out into the quiet bake shop with just two of them inside.

"I'm right here Sam," she reassures him as a cup of French Vanilla is placed in his hand. Piping hot, the taste brings comfort to his cold body.

"It's alright you don't have to finish the ending. How about I tell you the time I biked to Sunset Village?"

"I'd like that very much Melody."
Sam's hand grazes over hers and immediately there are butterflies in his stomach.

"Alright so it all started when my friend Clara--"

Sam droned out-- not purposefully I might add-- hearing the name Clara. The sugarplum, lavender dress twirled around in the town's square. He remembered that memory from every Christmas day since the summer day he'd been born. His father always took him down to see the Nutcracker. He didn't care much for the sword fights, no-- it was all about seeing Clara finally get her happily ever after.
He and Clara were good friends which was why he couldn't tell her that he was leaving.

Melody burst out in a deep fit of chuckles just as Sam pulled himself from his memories. "Somehow I ended up with flowers in my hair after rolling down a hill."

"Seems you had quite the adventure," Sam rested his chin on his hand and watched as her eyes lit up capturing him in her adventures.

"You should visit there sometime. I would like to take you up there whenever you know-- it's not snowing,"

"That'd be awesome. I'd love to see the flowers that would get stuck in your hair."

Both could feel themselves drawing closer to one another...

The back up generator roared to life causing her to move away-- almost as if she was restraining herself. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ears and shyly returned to her previous sitting arrangement.

"I uh...better go," Sam pulled the blanket off of himself and headed out into the wintry mess.

Sam could feel her gaze as he reached for the door handle. He expected her to call him back, to tell him to stay, but she didn't. 

She remained frozen in her seat. 

He braced himself for the cold, as his hands touched the metal doorknob. "I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas," he sighs.

A plastic card slipped out of his pocket just as the bell chimed. Melody saw as the card fluttered to the ground.

Watching him turn down the street, the words finally escaped from her lips. "Don't go."

She felt the smooth texture of the card as she brought it closer to her face, to examining it. Her eyes opened wide as she read the words that were written on it.
"Santa, baby."

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