Do You See What I See?

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"Just couldn't stay away?" Melody mused staring at the Chocolate Labrador walking alongside Sam as the bakery door brought in morning sunlight. "You know, for someone who hates Christmas, you sure are here a lot."

Sam's jaw tightened as his ears picked up the word he detested.

"Buster," he looks down at the leash, "wanted to try the cupcakes."

"Uh huh," Melody crinkled her eyebrows. "Isn't it too early for sweets?"

"You could have cupcakes for breakfast," he countered, causing her to blush.

She ignored the tugging in the back of her mind, knowing that she had something to ask him.

"So you're a vet?" She mentally sighed as that wasn't the question she wanted to ask him. Why'd she say the silliest things?

"That would be correct," he bent down to give Buster a high five. Buster let out a bark, causing Melody to throw the straws that she was organizing in the air.

"Wait, so your boss is Mr. Mulconey? The Mulconey that Merry won't stop sending her cookies and donuts to?" She grabbed the numerous straws on the hardwood floor.

"That is correct," he repeated, scooping some up with his hands and returning them to her. "Mr. Mulconey likes the powdered jelly donuts very much. I've been here four times today just going back and forth."

Melody didn't say anything for a while. She was sad that she had missed Sam coming and going. Maybe they could've made small talk or even big talk-- just to pass the time.

He noticed her lull and decided to scratch Buster's fur.

Eyeing the adorable sight, she pulled her gaze away and began organizing the bookshelf.

Sam's head jerked up as he noticed something was bothering Melody. He wished he could just ask her what was wrong but he couldn't bring himself to.


The door to Sam's apartment swung open greeting him with heat that he so craved. Propping on to his bed, he kicked off his shoes and devoured the sandwich that he'd left in the fridge.

The TV screen blinked and instantly his ears were covered-- the jingling of bells and the Santa Claus of this world too much to handle.

He sighed as he moved to the kitchen, stuffing his face with comfort food. By the time he was finished, he had a spread of macaroni and cheese, chocolate cake, strawberry cheescake, BBQ chicken, burgers, milkshakes (vanilla of course), pizza, samosas and to top it all off: an ice cream sundae. It was more food than one person could eat. He didn't cook it of course-- the magic did. All he had to do was sprinkle a little dust and anything could appear. Too bad the one thing he wanted to appear, didn't.

It was also too bad he couldn't see through walls-- because a little somebody just had.

First Author's Note. I'm so glad you guys like A Christmas Wish! Also Santa Baby (the song) has been stuck in my head for weeks! Ah, Christmas... It's a shame Sam doesn't like it.
In case you guys didn't notice, the chapter titles are either the actual songs or a play on famous Christmas songs.

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