C h a p t e r 3 2

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A/N: sorry that I updated late :/

• Jack J's POV •

"I miss you, I miss us"

I heard Emily say to me and I felt happy when she said that but then I thought about it, and when I was I thought...I don't want to hurt her feelings, I mean, I do miss her too but I don't know we just started talking again after 3 years almost 4...

"Yeah, I miss you too..."

I said with a smile and she smiled back, I gave her a hug and she hugged me back then she let go

"I have to go, I need to go to school you know"

She said and I was confused

"We graduated high school though?"

I said and she giggled

"I forgot, I think I haven't told you yet, I go to a class to become a cop but I'm lagging on it a lot at the moment and I need to go"

She said laughing and I did to

"Alright I'll let you go, but hey"

I started off stopping her before she left

"We should go out later if you want?"

I asked

"You want to go out in a date then"

She said

"Not officially but yeah I guess"

I chuckled and she nodded

"I'd love to"

She smiled and left in her car but before she did she ran back to me and hugged me once more and left with a smile, once she drove off I started to walk back inside but I heard a car coming towards me fast. I turn around and it was some black car it stopped and the person got out of it, and it was Sammy...

"Yo Sammy, what's up"

I said walking towards him and he had a mad face

"What the hell are you doing with my girl!"

He screamed at me pushing me making me fall

"Your girl?"

I said confused getting up

"Emily! Why are you with her! She's mine díck!"

He screamed once again

"You guys broke up, what the fùck are you saying?!"

I said walking up to him

"I'm trying to get her back, so back off!"

Sammy said and I saw him clenching his hand

"Dude chill, and why should I even listen to you for?"

I said

"You fùcking bítch"

I heard him say and he started to punch me in my face, he pushed me making me fall again and he punched me again

• Emily's POV •

I drove off to my class and before I did I heard a car behind me come in fast and I looked back and it stopped in front of Johnson's house a person came out of it and walked up to the house, I got confused so I turned back around and parked.

I stared to get off the car and walk towards Jacks house until I saw Jack on the ground and some guy on top punching him and Jack was hitting him too

"Oh my god"

I said jogging towards them


I said getting closer

"No, Emily go away!"

I heard Jack say until I saw Sammy...I saw Sammy get up and go up behind Johnson and punched him, I jumped a bit and I started to go towards them

"Sammy stop hitting him!"

I said trying to get them apart

"Sammy stop please!"

I saw and my eyes started to get watery


I said and I punched Sammy in the face making him get back and stop hitting  Jack

"Oh my god Jack"

I said getting on my knees and helping him sit up. I hugged him but then I heard Sammy say something

"Emily, get away from him"

He said and I looked at Sammy and got up

"Why? Why should I?!"

I said walking towards him

"I don't want you near him!"

He said and I started to get mad

"I'm not going to listen to you!"

I said pushing him a bit

"I don't care, we're leaving"

He said grabbing my hand and I pulled it away

"Don't you dare touch me you pig"

I said

"What the hell did you just call me?"

He said turning back at me


I heard Jacks weak voice but I ignored it either way I wanted to be there with him

"I'm not scared of you, I called you pig, I can call you a bunch of other things too Sammy, I don't fùcking care!"

I said then I felt that he slapped me

"You bítch!"

I said punching him again in the nose then kicking him

"Get the fùck out of here, you piece of shít"

I said and he did, once he left I went back down to Jack

"Jack, are you ok?"

I said helping him get back up again

"Yeah, it's just that my head hurts so much"

He said and I felt me eyes getting watery again

"Why are you crying?"

He said confused

"I hate seeing you hurt Jack, I end up feeling bad and this is my fault, I should've not left you and go to my stupid class"

I said feeling tears come down my cheeks

"Don't worry about me, I'll end up getting better, and it's not your fault"

He said and I just hugged him crying in his shoulder

"There Emily, everything will be ok, he left and I'm here for you like I always say to you..."

He said and I just pulled away from the hug and kissed him, he kissed me back and I pulled back putting my hands on his face and my forehead on his

"I love you Jack, I really do and I don't know what to do"

I said feeling tears come down

"Don't worry Emily, I'm here for you...and we still have that date later and we can talk there"

He said and I stopped crying because I knew I shouldn't have said that because you know, he didn't reply...

"I love you too"

He said and I smiled and he did too, and he just kissed me once more.

To be continued...

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