Chapter 13

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"Hold the bow like this... Point the arrow... Release!" A giggle erupted from Lucy's lips as she watched the arrow zip through the air. Koi chuckled as the arrow flew and stuck into a tree. He still stood behind her with hands still holding hers.

After the passionate night they shared together 2 weeks ago, it seemed as if Koi didn't intend to be away from Lucy for a moment. It seemed as if he had to touch her in order to stay alive. Lucy was the same way. Their newfound need to stay close to each other prompted Koi to teach Lucy to hunt. Despite the approaching winter and the lack of animals, he still wanted to teach her the skill. The other women of the tribe had learned when they were girls. He wanted her to have the same skills as the other women.

"Can I hunt witcha in the spring, Koi?!" Lucy asked like an excited child. Koi smiled at her and nodded his head.

"Of course you can, my Aponi." He lifted up her face and kissed her. A week ago, Koi got into the habit of calling Lucy his "Aponi", his butterfly, and small one. Lucy smiled at the name, feeling as though she belonged there in the tribe with its people and Koi.

Picking up the bow and arrows, Koi and Lucy began the walk back to his hut.


"Yes, small one?"

"Why don't ya like Apenimon?"

The mere mention of his name caused Koi to stiffen up. "Apenimon is one who must not be trusted. His actions are a disgrace, but no one knows of this but I."

"Why're you the only one who knows?"

"Apenimon is deceitful in his looks. He fools everyone except me."

"What happened? What'd he do?"

"Shhh. We are back. The tribe will hear. We will talk in the hut." Koi whispered as they crossed through the bushes and back into camp. They made their way into their hut and began to make a fire.

"He has hurt many people for false reasons."

"What'd ya mean?"

"He killed a white man and stole his food and money. The man was drunk and Apenimon stabbed him and rolled his body into the river after he took the little money and bread the man had. He ran back and claimed the man was hurting a child and threatened his life. People looked up at him after that. He has done that many times. I asked him why, and he always smiled a demon smile without answering."

"Why don't ya tell somebody?"

"Nobody will listen to me. They are all blinded by the lies that Apenimon tells. They will not believe me." Koi tossed some wood into the fire, causing it to grow. He stared into it, remembering all of the deeds his cousin did.

Lucy crept closer to him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"I believe you, Koi." She wrapped his arms around his and hugged him. Koi returned the gesture, feeling his heart swell. He pulled her into his lap and held her.

"Apenimon is going to try to take you away from me and I will not allow it. I will kill him if he tries to mess with one hair on your head."

"No one will take me away from you."

"We cannot be certain when dealing with the likes of him."

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