Chapter 22

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About a week has passed, and I couldn't stop thinking about Nicole. I know I'll probably never see her again, but I still can't stop thinking of her perfect eyes, beautiful face, and that voice. I couldn't get that voice out of my head. Her voice replayed over and over in my head. I know I just met her and everything, but something about her just made me so happy.

I decided to go to Starbucks to get my mind off of things for a bit. Whenever I'm feeling down I just go to Starbucks and browse on tumblr and twitter for a while on my laptop.


I ordered my favourite latte, which I get every time I come here. The place wasn't very crowded, only a few couples and old people. But I don't mind.

Every few minutes, people would leave and more people would come in. I didn't really notice anything else though, because my eyes were glued to the computer screen. If someone died, I probably wouldn't even notice..thats how much I was focused on twitter.

"Hey! Connor, right?" someone said. I instantly looked up at the sound of my name. You won't believe who it was.


"Hey!" I said as I shut my laptop and she sat down across from me.

"How are you?" she smiled. That smile just lightened up my whole day.

I smiled back. "Pretty good, I guess."

We talked for a bit and got to know each other.

I learned that she was 20 and just moved to LA a few weeks ago and didn't have very many friends yet.

I was going to tell her something about Taylor and how she just died a few weeks ago, but I figured she didn't need to know that. After all, I just met her. And besides, if I mentioned Taylor I was for sure going to want to cry.

"Hey, uh before I go..." I said nervously. "can I get your number?"

She smiled. "Sure." I handed her my phone and she handed me hers. I put my name in as 'Connor 🐱' because I love kitty's. She put her name simply as 'Nicole💘'. I was really starting to like Nicole. I wasn't sure I could trust someone in a relationship yet, but I really liked her.

"Text me later!" she waved as she walked out the door.

I smiled to myself and heard my phone go off. It was a text message. At first I thought Nicole texted me, but nope it was Jc.

Jc: wanna do a collab later?

Me: sure be over at 3

Jc: K

I checked the time. It was already 12:30pm. How long have I been here!?! Whatever. I picked up my MacBook and took one last sip of my latte before throwing it out. I walked to the house pretty fast. It was only 12:58 by the time I got home. I just waited and did nothing until it was 3 so that I could go to Jcs. I didn't know what the collab was yet, so I didn't bring anything but my phone with me and drove off to Jcs house.

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