卌 f o r t y - f i v e 卌

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I was annoyed at Ashton, to say the least.

And I was annoyed at Calum too.

Oh, yeah, and Courtney. Her too.

It was clear there was tension between the three of them, and I knew it wasn't Luke and I's business to get ourselves involved, but come on. A five year old could tell they were all fighting. Only, a five year old wouldn't be able to hold it's tongue.

Luke and I had brought up the topic on our own and how the two of us should proceed.

We had ruled it down the two things:
•Bring It Up
•Pretend We Don't Know Anything

"Michael, if we bring it up, there's a strong chance all three of them will get angry with us. They all seem to get angry very easily right now." Luke noted.

"I know, I know. But-- if they're all mad at us, that could make them bond over something and then they would make up." I pointed out.

"And then what? What happens when they aren't fighting but they're mad at us? Or even worse, if we make them mad at us and then they still don't make up. We can't have that, Michael. One fight in the band is enough. Getting ourselves involved will make it worse, and that could lead to our breakup."

When Luke said the word 'Breakup' my heart skipped at beat. My hands, I noticed, were sweating.

"Okay," I nodded. "Let's stick with plan B."


I took a deep breath as I debated on clicking the button on the screen.

No one was around, but large waves of guilt were crashing through my body. I thought nervously if I really wanted to do this.

No, I thought. One more try. One. If it doesn't work, then I'll come back here. But one more.

I tucked my laptop away and stood up, pulling out my phone.


Ashton Irwin
It's been a while since on snapchat, why the change back?

Because we spoke on here through everything. Now we just text, but I kinda miss our snapchat talks. When one of us was mad, we always were speaking on snapchat. We have so many good memories on here, Ash.

Ashton Irwin
Holding onto your past prevents you from living your future.

I'm not holding onto the past, Ashton. I'm remembering it.
What happened to Afros? We never say Afros to each other anymore.

Ashton Irwin
Alright, Afros.

Hey, I didn't mean it like that.

Ashton Irwin
But I did :)

I'm coming over to your place, and we're talking.

Ashton Irwin
There's nothing to talk about.
And where are you, anyways?
Calum's I presume?

No, actually, I'm sitting in a shopping centre food court.

Ashton Irwin
Is Calum with you?

No I'm alone. I needed some time alone I guess.

Ashton Irwin
I do as well.

Ashton I haven't seen you since the radio interview 2 days ago. The only reason we've spoken has been because of our snapchat streak.
(Btw just really quickly pausing our fight nice job man we're at 298!!1!)

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