卌 t h i r t y 卌

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"What the hell did I just do?!" I shot up and ran my hands through my curly hair.

"Well, we came up to your room, you drummed for me, we kissed, I told you I was coming to Australia, and now you're flipping out." Courtney updated.

"I mean we kissed!" I turned around to face her.

She sat on my bed and blinked at me. "So? People kiss everyday, Ashton."

"You can't tell anyone about this," I sighed.

"What? Why not? I mean I wasn't going to go around blurting it, but why does it matter?"

I sat back down on the bed and pressed my eyes shut, rubbing my temples. "Look, it- it just does, okay? Promise me you won't tell anyone this happened."

She lightly grabbed my forearm pulled it into my lap, her face softening. "Okay, I promise. If this is important to you I won't tell a soul without your permission."

"Thank you," I sighed, relieved.

"So," she said after a moment of silence. "When do we leave?"

I suddenly realised she also said she was coming with us. "Oh my god, right. Right." I looked at the clock, which read 1:35 in the morning. "Our flight leaves at noon. Why don't we go back to your place and pack?"

She nodded and stood up from my bed, and quietly opened the door.

We snuck out to my car and drove back to the college. When we reached her dorm, she held a finger to her lips as she quietly opened the door.

The lights were off and her roommate, Meghan, was fast asleep on her bunk.

She leaned into my ear. "Hold the door open while I just grab my stuff," she whispered, barely audible. I nodded at her.

Courtney tip-toed to her side of the room and opened her dresser, plopping clothes onto her bed. She quickly ran into the bathroom to grab some toiletries. On her way back, she tugged open a small door from which she pulled out a black duffle bag. At least, it looked black in the dark room.

She quickly shoved everything into the bag and then came back to me, and we closed the door silently.

"Let's go to the commons, where I can actually fold all my clothes."

I nodded and we started walking down the hall. In the commons area, there were two couches and a wooden coffee table, as well as a TV and a vending machine.

"Okay, we can talk normal voice now," she said, sitting down on the green couch and beginning to fold all of her clothes.

"So, have you ever been to Australia?" I asked her.

She shook her head, then paused. "Oh, don't they have giant spiders?"

I nodded. "Just keep your eyes out, but besides that you won't die or anything."

"I better not, I hate spiders." She chuckled.

After a couple of minutes, she finished packing and slugged her bag over her shoulder, and headed out to the car again.

"Hey," I said when we got in the car.

"Hey," she said back, smiling.

"The time zones are off a lot, from America and Australia. We already have to sleep on the plane anyways, so why don't we go on like a midnight adventure?"

Her face lit up. "Okay!" She smiled.

I turned on the car, then paused. "I don't know where to go," I frowned.

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