Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen


Two Months Later...

Another two months went by, and I still haven't told my mom I was pregnant. Every day that passed, my mother would ask me why I was getting so fat. I wanted to blurt out to her that I was pregnant, but I was scared me senseless. I knew my mom, and she was not going to be happy. She would call the pastor from the church and start praying like it was an exorcism. As for my grandma, I didn't know what her reaction would be, but I hope she wasn't over the top too.

After a long nap, I woke up with my mind on my grandma. I had to tell her. She was sitting in the living room, so I walked downstairs softly hoping not to bother her too much. I watched as she sat and admired a picture of my grandpa Joe. She stroked the picture with her thumb lightly and smiled.

Grandpa Joe was somebody who I looked up to as a father figure. He and grandma were the two main people who kept the family together. They had been married for more than twenty-five years of marriage. Grandpa Joe was having heart problems and died from a heart attack two years ago. Ever since then, Grandma had been living with us, and I knew that not a day went by that she didn't think about that man.

"Grandma?" I said walking into the living room where she was sitting on her Lazy-Boy still reminiscing.

"You got your beautiful hair from your grandfather, you know that?" she said laughing softly as she sat the picture down, "That shiny brown hair flowed so softly."

I sat down and looked at her. It seemed like Grandma was so happy before she came to live with my mother.

"Grandma, we need to talk," I said putting the picture down on the coffee table.

"Put your shirt down first. Your baby bump is showing."

I quickly pulled my shirt down, and then it clicked. "Wait, what? You know?" I asked.

She grabbed her walker and walked over to me. As she sat down, she began rubbing my stomach. "You're my granddaughter. I can tell when something is wrong with you."

She was right. Whenever something was bothering, she was the first person who would come and talk to me.

"Also, you eating more, sleeping more, and you gained some pounds in them hips of yours, girl," she said looking at my stomach.

"I meant to tell you. I just didn't know what your reaction was going to be."

"Like I said, you're my granddaughter. I will never lose faith in you nor my great grandchild, "so who's the lucky father?" she asked.

The taste of confusion gripped my tongue. "Jarell," I said softly.

"That nice young boy. He is goo..."

"Or Devin."

She looked at me in disbelief. "Oh, Charisma," she said as tears started to form.

"I'm so sorry. It was a big mistake. I never meant for it to happen" I sobbed quietly.

"It's okay, baby, I'm not mad." She held me in her arms just like when I was little, "

"Now, what are these two gentlemen saying about this pregnancy?"

"Well, Jarell said it's not his baby, and he started dating Kristy."

My grandmother shook her head. She was actually right about Kristy. "But Devin," I said smiling. He had been there for me for these few months. He took great care of me and the baby, "Devin is there for me, and he's willing to take care of the child his or not."

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