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Shiho groggily woke up in the Hogwarts infirmary. "What happened?" He asked himself.

Madame Pomfrey answered him. "You were carried here, heavy injured by, well, a Vampire."

It all came back to him. The monsters, the Vampire, the fight, and V- You-Know-Who. But the only thing he was concerned about? Well... "Er, is this going to impact my grades?"


"Hey Harry!" Ron shouted. "Did you hear?"

"Hear what?" He asked.

"Apparently, the Dursleys disowned you."

"WHAT!?" Harry shouted. He wasn't sure whether or not to be upset or jumping with joy. "So, what do I do now?"

"I dunno." Ron replied. "But Dumbledore said you might be able to stay with me and my family over the summer."


"So why, exactly did you save my life?" Sirius asked.

"I made a bet. I wasn't going to lose!"

"...a bet..." Sirius repeated.

"Yup. 50,000 yen over whether or not you'd live."

"That, that's-!"

"Shut up. Besides I need to go now. I'm suppose to go to a press conference. Stupid Wizards..."


In a large lecture hall within the Ministry, dozens of reports from many magazines sat first and second row, even the third while the rest where overflowing with regular Wizards and Witches. They all faced a stage where Minister Fudge was finishing his last statement. "...relationships with Vampires have been prickly, they are here today to insure peace between us. Krul." He stepped back to allow Krul to stand at the podium.

Unfortunately, however, she couldn't see passed it. "Ferid!" She yelled. "Get me a chair. Stupid Wizards and their ridiculous heights..." Although Wizards were usually tall, well, she was just really short. Ferid threw to her a foldable chair from across the stage. "I'll hit you for that later!" She said. She muttered some very colorful vocabulary directed towards Ferid as she unfolded the chair and stood on it so she could see well passed the podium.

"Hi, I'm Krul, Queen of the Vampires, blah de da. Any questions?" She asked. She pointed to an eager reporter in the first row. "You, speak."

"Is it true you have signed a peace treaty with Minister Fudge to ensure peace?"

"Treaty? No, it's a worthless piece of crap I don't have time to deal with. Next."

"If there is no treaty, how will the people of the Wizarding World, and Muggle World alike be protected from you?"

"Classified. Next."

"How can you, a mere girl be leader of the Vampires?"

Krul bored expression harden. "Repeat that question, I dare you." The reporter stayed quiet. "Good choice. Next."

"What is Vampiric society like?"

"Not that complicated, but I assure you, you'd rather not know."

"Why not?"

"In one word? Try slavery. Next."

"Are any of the Muggle myths about Vampires true?"

"Most are false. We have a reflection, we are not nocturnal, but we detest garlic. But it's not like it kills, or even repels us. It's just that mortal food does not appeal to us. Causes constipation. Next."

They continued for several hours, with her answering questions about the peace, and the Vampires until the conference finally ended, and Krul was finally able to leave.


"I sorry, Yu. I one of them now." Mika muttered. "But I hope you still okay."


A purple haired girl stared out the window in her Hogwarts dorm. "Shinoa! We're going to miss the train!" A yellow haired girl shouted.

Most people had already left, and they were the only ones left in their House dormitory. The girl grabbed her suitcase and ran out the exit with her friend. "I'm coming, Mitsuba!"

Sequel is up. It is called "Red Stained Glass".

Vampire at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now