Chapter Twenty Eight

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"I am Voldemort." He replied. "You are Hyakuya Mikaela, correct?"

"You Voldemort?" Mika asked. He nodded. "Queen no like you."

"Yes well, we did get off on the foot." He said.

"You hurt Queen." He continued. "And him." He pointed to the pink haired stranger.

"He was trying to harm you. I don't see why you'd object."

"He innocent. My fault."

"Ah, I suppose-"

"No." Mika said. "You no talk." Mika raised his sword and ran towards him.

However, Voldemort expected this and yelled. "Avada Kedevra!" As a green light hit him square in the chest.


Everything was silent as Dumbledore walked in. "Minister, please, do not make things worse." He said.

"You- what? How-?" Fudge stuttered.

"Yes, I've been here all along Fudge. Not that I particularly agree with their lifestyle," -he glanced at the child- "but Krul has been my friend for quite a while."

"Dumbledore, I told you to stay in your room if we had guests over. Especially them." Krul said, annoyed.

"Excuse me!? You've been harboring him!?" Fudge said. Krul ignored him.

"Why are you even here?" She asked him.

"I was lead to believe that we had an agreement."

"I'm a freaking Vampire. You knew I could last without direct prey for long. I'd give in eventually!" She stated. "Besides, the kid's still alive. So what's the problem!?"

"EXCUSE ME!" Fudge yelled, gaining everyone's attention. "What is going on!?"

"Oh, well after you tried to arrest Dumbledore, he called in a favor and I've been hiding him here since and now we're having a bit of an argument."

"You- what- she-" Fudge said.

"What?" Krul asked. "He helped me out first."

"He- but- I-"

"I didn't realize you were this stupid..." Krul muttered.

"I am not stupid! And Dumbledore, I am accusing you of associating with Dark Creatures. You-"

Krul started to laugh. "Is that what we are? 'Dark Creatures'? That's only in your perspective. You believe we can be 'tamed' or 'controlled' and that it why the war has started. Peace wasn't going to last much longer. So how about this, you leave, right now, and I'll call off the siege."

"And how do you know you're not lying?" Fudge asked.

"Well, it's either don't and your entire world falls apart, or leave and have a silver of hope."

"And what about the man you injured?"


"He seems to have mostly recovered." He said.

"I'll go get him." Krul said.


"What that do?" Mika asked. He was hit by a green light...but nothing happened.

"What!?" Voldemort shouted. But then he remembered how he'd hit another Vampire before. Wizard spells don't work on them...only Cursed Weapons do. And he'd given the only usable weapon on Vampires to Krul. "Damn it!"

But the spell did do something to Mika. It killed the last of his humanity, he could feel it. Now he was a full Vampire, something he absolutely despised. Even though he was a Vampire, he didn't want to be. And now, there was no going back.

A new fury rose within him. He glared at Voldemort with his now red eyes, signifying that he was a Vampire. "You...destroy it." He muttered. "I kill you!"

His blade glowed and he tightened his grip on the hilt, but before he could lunge forward, a thick black blade pierced through his chest.


An Auror, whose name is not of importance, was willing to admit that he was afraid to be on a mission to go to the Vampire's base.

The invite for dinner just creeped him out. Then there was the creepy guy sitting next to him. It was the strangest dinner he'd ever been to. What was curry?

The man, he thought his name was Ferid, tapped Tonks' shoulder and asked her blood type. Weird...

Well, he was a Vampire.

Then the pink girl, he thought her name was Krul, left them alone with the creepy guy while she took Fudge out to see the "livestock" which he had a bad feeling about. But he was also worried about being left alone with that guy.

He seemed to be right to have that suspicious feeling towards him once Ferid said "I'm hungry." That was creepy. And scary. And then he tapped his shoulder. The next thing he remembered was blacking out.

Now, he woke up in an unfamiliar room. He laid on a white Queen-sized bed. Why was almost everything white? Pushing the question out his mind, he took a better survey of his surrounds. It seemed to be a bedroom.

The side of his neck throbbed. It was also bandaged. The Vampire bit me. Great. He hoped that the legends weren't true, that if you're bitten by a Vampire, you turn into one. That'd be bad.

He didn't notice that the door had opened, or that Krul had walked in. "Oh, you're conscious now?" She asked. "I'm terribly sorry for Ferid's rude behavior, but he doesn't really listen to me. Anyways, now that you've recovered, Minister Fudge would like to return to the Ministry now." Wait what?

"What happened?" He asked.

"Oh, well, your fellow Aurors can fill you in later. Come on, they're about to leave." The man was still processing what she had said when she was out of sight. He went to the door and found her just turning a corner in the halls. He ran to catch up with her. "I got him." She said to Minister Fudge. "Now leave."

He was still quite confused, but he followed everyone else, and Apparated out of the building.


It was time for breakfast, and the Owls were coming in with everyone's mail. One of the birds however, was not an owl. It was a pigeon. It landed in front of Harry with a letter. "Is that my letter?" He asked to no one in particular. When no one else took it, he did and the bird flew away. It was from Dumbledore.

Careful to hide his name, he opened the letter. The contents of the message shock him. The Dursleys have been attacked.

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