Chapter Twenty Four

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Picture is of Mirai Kimizuki who will be introduced in this chapter. Person to the side is Shiho.

Shiho knocked on the door of Professor Umbridge's office. Well, he supposed it was Headmistress now. "Come in." She said. He opened the door. "Oh, hello Mr. Kimizuki. What can I do for you?" She knew him because he was one of the highest achieving students in Hogwarts, always getting perfect scores on each exam, assignment, etc.

"I understand that all people in Hogwarts are to stay at the school, but I was wondering is over the weekend I could bring a teacher with me to supervise to St. Mungo's."

"Why would you ever need to do that?" She replied.

"My sister is a patient there. I just want to visit her."

"Well, if you can find a teacher to volunteer-"

"Professor Flitwick already did."

Umbridge sighed. "Alright then. But be back by curfew."


"Why you no tell me?" Mika said, feeling kinda betrayed. "That man no good. He try attack Queen."

"Well..." Narcissa said. "It wasn't an attack! He is just trying to gain an ally for our boss."

"Voldemort? That man evil. Worse."

"But we believe in his ideals, his values."

"I believe Queen. Sorry Narcissa. I can take with you so you together."


"Sorry. Lucius, move." He commanded. He proceeded to push Lucius out of the building held at sword point. "You come Narcissa?"

"Mika, please don't take him. He's already suffered." She pleaded.

Mikaela looked at Lucius and noticed the two identical scars on his neck. "Ferid..."

"What?" Lucius spat. "Would you like to drink my blood as the other one did!?"

Mika shook his head. "I follow law. I try no drink."

"Sure, Vampire." Lucius muttered.

"Mika, please." Narcissa repeated.

Mika was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He didn't want to separate them, but it was either that or... "Krul have head for this." He said. He sheathed his sword. "Bye, Narcissa."

She doubted she'd see him at Diagon Alley ever again.


Harry looked at the pink hair boy who was exiting the school with Professor Flitwick. "Where is he going?" Harry asked.

"Oh, that's Shiho Kimizuki. He's a Seventh Year Hufflepuff. Apparently he is also one of Umbridge, and all the teachers favorites. So, he got special permission to leave the school castle to go into Hogsmeade." Hermione replied.

"What!? That's not fair!" Ron exclaimed.

"Well, he also got a teacher to supervise him so..." Hermione trailed off.

"Still not fair!" He replied.

"Guys, it doesn't matter." Harry said. "By why am I getting an ominous feel off of his backpack. What is in that thing thing anyway?"


Shiho knocked on the door. "Come in." He opened the door. There she was, his little sister, Mirai. As usual, she was unconscious and had at least five different IVs in her with a nurse by her side. "Hello, Shiho."

"Hi." He replied. "How is she doing?"

"The usual. Stable but no signs of recovery. We can't figure out what's wrong. It's definitely caused by magic, but we can't figured out exactly what."

"Right...Can we just have a moment alone?" He asked. The nurse nodded and left. Shiho sat down in the chair next to the bed. "Hi, Mirai. I hope you get better. Did you like the flowers I brought last time? I wasn't sure if you like daisies or tulips better, so this time I got you both. See? They're right over there next to your bed.

"And Mirai? I'm sorry. This happened because I couldn't protect you. Even though they keep saying I couldn't have said anything...I still feel responsible. So, can you forgive me? I'll keep asking until you reply.

"Even if you won't, I won't give up. I've been acting all of my classes, and I made some friends. I think you might like them. And now...the Vampires are back. So maybe, maybe I can avenge you.

"I told you about Kiseki-O, right? Well, he's a Demon attached to these twin blades, so I can kill the Vampires with it! It's called a Cursed Weapon. I hope that makes you feel at ease...Maybe I'll even find the ones who attacked us in the first place...I actually brought it with me. I'd take it out to show you, but we are in a hospital...

"Don't worry, I've been practicing over the summer, and the teacher says in one of the best ones in my class at sword fighting, so, I promise I won't leave. Not until those blood suckers get what they deserve. I promise."

There was a knock on the door. The nurse came back in. "Sorry, visiting hours have been shorten because of the ongoing threat of Vampire. I'm going to have to ask you to leave, Mr. Kimizuki. We'll let you know if anything happens." Nothing is going to happen, he thought. She's been this way for four years.

But he was going to change that.


Professor Flitwick never really knew much about Shiho, despite being one of the best in his classes. No, not one of the best, the best. But he didn't know much about him. So he was quite surprised when he asked if he'd supervise him to go to St. Mungo's to visit his sister.

He wasn't even aware he had a sister! But nevertheless, he said yes.

He took him to the hospital and waited for him in the waiting room. After a few hours, Mr. Shiho still hadn't come back, even though it was already past visiting hours. Where was he? He went up to the front desk to ask. "Excuse me miss? I brought a student here by the name of Shiho Kimizuki to visit his sister Mirai Kimizuki. Do you know where he is?"

She took out a sign in sheet for visitors. "Strange, he hasn't signed out yet. We told him to leave about an hour ago."

Oh no, Professor Flitwick thought. It appears I've lost a student...

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