Chapter Twenty Nine

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As Krul promised, the siege had stopped. But now, Fudge had another problem: dealing with the damage.

Those beasts the Vampires had brought cause damage beyond all measure and the repairs for it would cause the Ministry to go bankrupt three times over! And not to mention the Muggles...

How are they going to play this off? If they realize that Vampires do exist...then magic would be next! It's a total disaster!

And to top it off, at least twenty thousand people worldwide were injured, and at least 300 people died in the attack!

Fudge sighed. At least no one was fighting anymore...


"What...!?" Mika shouted. The black blade was still lodged in his chest, held in place by the pink stranger.

"Kiseki-O! Why aren't you doing anything!? God damnit!" The he yelled. He pulled the blade out and a sinister laugh was heard. Mika collapsed to the floor, coughing up blood out of his mouth. "Die you stupid Vampire!"

"I not die. Not till I find Yuichiro." He replied.

"I know where he is." Voldemort said, lying obviously.

"Where!?" He managed to ask, despite his condition.

"I will tell you, if you fight with me."

"I'll do it." He replied. He'd do anything to find him.

"Then start by getting rid of him." He pointed to the pink haired stranger. Mika turned around and started to question his rash decision. Did he really just agree to the man that permanently turned him into a Vampire? And now he wanted him to kill this man.

But he did want to find Yu...

"No, I find him myself." Mika said.

"...What?" The man said. He was confused. Why wasn't he dead?

"If I find Yu, he no like me if I evil. So I find him myself." He turned to the stranger, who was still barely conscious from the spell. He picked him up and walked towards Hogwarts.


"Oh Merlin..." Harry said.

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"The Dursleys..."

Hermione read the letter. "Oh no! What are you going to do!?"

"...nothing." He replied.

"Waf? Wa koi non?" Ron said through bits of food.

"The Dursleys were attacked in the siege." Hermione replied. "But Harry, you have to do something!"

"No, I don't."

But then before anything else could be said, the doors to the Great Hall swung open.


"Why didn't you kill me?" Shiho asked. Vampires weren't merciful, they never were. So why didn't he go with Voldemort to find "Yu"?

"Yu no like me if I kill you."

So that's why? He didn't want his friend to hate him. So he's still selfish, just like all the others. "Why wouldn't Yu like it?" Vampires didn't care whose lives they took, just like how they claimed the lives of nearly everyone in his small town in the country. He and his sister were the only survivors, and Mirai had been hospitalized ever since with some strange disease.

"He human. He no like Vampires."

Now he was just confused. What was the history behind the two? Before he could ask, they arrived at the entrance to the Great Hall and slammed the doors open.

He walked up to the table the teachers sat at and laid him in front of the table before walking up to Umbridge. "Queen need no more letters." He said. Then, he turned to exit the Hall leaving it in silence. Or at least that seemed to be his aim, until he collapsed three yards away from the door.


Umbridge was doing fine just before Mika showed up. Why was he here? It wasn't about the fake report, right? And was he holding Shiho who was barely conscious. But then he told her the Queen didn't need anymore reports, and then just left. Weird.

But what was even stranger was that he collapsed before he could leave, making the Great Hall a room full of loud whispers. She wasn't sure what to do. Thankfully, she didn't have to think. Immediately, Minerva sent a Patronus to Minister Fudge and soon a team of Aurors were here and took him to the Ministry.

This was definitely going to be in the newspapers today.


When Mika woke up, he found himself chained to a chair in a large room full of, probably, Wizards. "Great..." He muttered. "What you want?" He asked.

"What is your name?" One woman asked.

"Hyakuya Mikaela."

She whispered something to the man next to her, and he went out of the room. Although, whispering didn't help, because Mika, as a Vampire could hear everything she just said. "Check the Archives for that name, and anything related to 'Hyakuya'." She had said. Then she turned to him. "I'm assuming you heard that?" He nodded. "Well then, Mr. Hyakuya, we have a few questions for you."


"How much destruction did we cause?" Krul asked.

"It will cost the humans $4,563,291,087 USD to repair all the damage and an additional $12,483,396 USD to pay for hospital and funeral expenses." Lacus said.

"How many humans were affected?"

"42,978 homes destroyed, 342 deaths, 21,895 injured."

Krul smirked. "And how many of ours did we lose?"

"...Two Horsemen and one Vampire." He said.

Krul was shocked. Humans didn't have that kind of power! They should have suffered zero casualties! "Who did we lose?"

"Well, he didn't die. There were no ashes, but we found a trail of his blood leading to Hogwarts. It was Hyakuya Mikaela."

Krul grew angry. Not only did they lose one of theirs, but it was Mikaela that they lost. He had the freaking Seraph gene! "Well." She said. "I never did tell Minister Fudge exactly how long there'd be peace."

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