Chapter Two

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"I never thought that girl would be sorted into Slytherin!" Ron said. It was the first day of classes and they were all eating breakfast. Ron began to stuff his face.

"Me too." Hermione said. "Yes she was a bit cold and distant, but I really thought she'd be sorted into Ravenclaw!"

"Ick reke dokenk malr doket?" Ron said.

"Ron, I can't understand you like that. Harry, would you mind translating?"

"He said 'It doesn't really matter does it?'." Harry replied.

"Oh. I suppose not. But you were the one who brought it up! Anyways, we should head to class now. Let's see..." Hermione checked her timetable. "Potions. Alright then. Let's go." Harry and Ron groaned.


Katrina glared at the plate in front of her.


One of her worst enemies. Most of the time it's wasn't alone. It was with butter or jelly or something was in the batter. Usually, that little something extra was something she couldn't eat. She can't taste it either. Because she's a Vampire, almost everything other than blood tastes like ash.

Deciding that she might as well take the chance instead of becoming the girl everyone thinks is anorexic, she ate it.

Now it was time to go to class. Katrina checked her timetable. She had Potions first. She took her "water bottle" and headed to class. "Hello Ms. Walters, nice of you to finally join us." Professor Snape said. She had walked a bit too slow, and most of the class had already came. "You can take a seat next to Hermione Granger over there. As I was saying, today you will be making the potion on pages 237-243 in your textbook.

Katrina took out her book and looked at the potion. It was a healing potion. She checked the ingredients list. Oh no. There was blood involved. Dumbledore probably didn't tell the staff about her little secret. She checked for Hermione. She had already come back with the ingredients. Smelling blood, she almost lunged herself at Hermione since she was the closest. Instead, she lunged for her bottle, opened it, and took a long sip.

"Katrina? What's that?" Hermione asked.

"It's my medicine. I still have to take it occasionally."

"Oh, okay. Then let's focus on this." They completed their task and received an E.

Katrina moved to her next class. Divination. She had heard rumors that the teacher was just a crazy old bat. This will be interesting. She head up the Tower to the classroom. "Hello, everyone." Professor Trelawney said. "It's nice to see you again. This year, we are going to focus on the Tarot first. Then Palmistry, Scrying, and Astrology."

They all took out the Tarot cards they had to get as part of their school supplies. They paired up with the person next to them and tried a simple exercise. They would each draw one card and try to learn one thing about each other from that. Unfortunately, Katrina made the mistake of sitting next to Pansy Parkinson. She had drawn the Hanged Man. "Oh! Okay." Pansy said. "This is the Hanged Man, so, you will die soon! That's a relief. That's means this house won't be stained by the presence of a Mudblood much longer."

"Actually, that's not what is means. Also the card is reversed. Try again." Katrina said.

Pansy stuttered and gave the accurate meaning:

Think more openly. Do not become lazy or melancholy.

Pansy drew Justice Reversed:

Tell the truth no matter the consequences. Your friends are doubting you. Stop getting hung up about the past.

Katrina smirked. "What?" Pansy said, clearly annoyed.

"You're a liar and your friends hate you."

"You little bi-"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Professor Trelawney screamed. "You!" She pointed at Katrina. "Get out!"

"Professor, are you okay?" Daphne asked.

"No! No I am not! I have allowed that! That impure creature into my classroom!"

"Professor, please calm down. Katrina is not an impure creature."

She continued to panic, and the remainder of that class was turned into a free period because she had to be taken to the Hospital Wing.

Katrina spent her time in her room, reading her book and sucking on a lollipop.

Now it was time for DADA with the Gryffindors. Katrina learned one thing. That Umbridge will die before the year is over. "Good afternoon class." She had said. They all replied halfhearted replied. "No, no. That will not do. When I say 'Good afternoon class' I expect you to reply 'Good afternoon Professor Umbridge'. Now, let's try again. Good afternoon class."

They had all replied "Good afternoon Professor Umbridge." Except for Katrina who said "Good afternoon Stupid B****." Although she didn't hear her.

She gave them the assignment to read the first chapter in their textbook. Katrina has already read the entire book and knew it was full of crap. But, to keep her cover, she did it anyways.

"Excuse me, Professor? I have a question about the curriculum." Hermione said.

"What questions would you have? It's quite straightforward isn't it?"

"Yes but, it doesn't say anything about practicing spells."

"Why would you need to practice spells?"

"Well, there is a practical part of our OWLs."

"If you study the theory you should be fine."

"Well while you're having us learn theories, people are getting attacked!" Harry shouted. Oh no. This was going to get messy.

"Do you honestly think you'd be attacked here in this classroom? Who would do that?"

"I'll tell you who!" Here it comes. "Voldemort!"

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