Chapter Fifthteen

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"'Vampires don't have a place in human society'? Yeah right." Ferid said. "Just take a look out the window to the lower town. Well, there isn't one in this room, but, well..."

"We aren't in their society, they are in ours." Krul refuted.

"Still, is it really a good idea to continue to harbor Dumbledore like this? He could end up freeing all of them."

"So you're saying, that they'd be able to break into the castle, somehow find the exit, while defeating all of you?"

Ferid smirked. Krul wanted to kick him in the head for that. "Well, he could just Apparate them all out."

"You're lucky I'm short." She growled. She walked away leaving him on his own.


"So, it's gone right?" Ron asked. Hermione nodded. "All of it? For good?"

"Yes, Ron! Kr-Katrina was telling the truth!"

"That's great! But...what do we do with the extra blood?" Harry asked.

Silence. More silence. Even more silence. "...lets just go to dinner for now." Hermione said. They walked into the Great Hall and was greeted by the still strange sight of the absence of Dumbledore. But, there was nothing they could do but sit down and eat.

"Do you think Dumbledore is okay?" Harry asked.

"Harry, there's no way to know for sure." Hermione said. "He could be anywhere!"

"I know. But it's just that I worry, okay?" Harry said. "Voldemort's out there, he's a wanted fugitive...what else?"

"Harry, he's a powerful Wizard. He'll be fine." Hermione replied. One of the mysterious winds that have plagued Hogwarts for the last few days blew through the hall as dinner ended, and they went to their rooms. But Hermione could have sworn she saw someone there, just for a second.


"Lucius? What happened to you?" Minister Fudge asked. Ha and Lucius were in his office, and Fudge had noticed the large bandage on Lucius's neck.

"The Vampires. I was just visiting my friend out of town when they attacked me. As you can see, I didn't leave unharmed." He replied.

"Was that girl? Katrina, I believe."

"Oh no, you see, it wasn't her. It was this other man. That girl's real name is Krul, and she was the Queen."

"What!? Dumbledore...this was no accident! He purposely let this...this monster into Hogwarts! He wanted to overthrow the Ministry!" Fudge claimed.

"Minister, I'm sure there is some other explanation." Lucius pleaded. Not that he was really that hopeful.

"Lucius, I understand that you would like to believe the best about Dumbledore, but this attack on you can not be ignored. For now, I am placing a 1,000 galleon reward on any captured Vampire, dead or alive."


"You have news?" Krul asked. She sat on her throne and was listening to the latest report from Lacus who she had changed their position. They were now stationed at Scotland, specifically near Hogwarts and the Wizarding World. It really does help that Vampires can run across water and almost as fast as the speed of light, if they were running at top speed.

"Well, for starters, Minister Fudge has placed a bounty on us. 1,000 galleons, dead or alive. We have informed our brothers and sisters there."

"Good. Any other news? What of Voldemort?"

"No other news."

"How is Hermione doing?"

"From what I can gather, she seems quite happy."

"Did anyone see you?"

"I believe not. However, Hermione did stare at where I was for a few seconds."

"Simply a few after effects of her temporary Vampirism. They will fade soon enough. Dismissed." Lacus and Krul both left going in different paths. Lacus went back to his room, while Krul went to Dumbledore's.

She knocked on the door and heard Dumbledore say "Come in." She opened the door. "What brings you here, Krul?"

"I just wanted to see how you were." She said.

"Are you sure? You never come because your worried. Why are you really here?"

"I don't know." She confessed. "Maybe I'm spending to much time around humans. I'm starting to pick up your emotions."

"You were human once to, remember?"

Krul sighed. "No, I don't remember. I've been this way of over a millennium."

"I suppose so. But you know, emotions can be powerful things for us."

"For you. To us, it's a weakness." Krul said. She walked out of the room. Why was it always so complicated with humans?

She retreated to her room this time, locking the door so she wouldn't be disturbed. There was much to think about.

What was she going to do about Voldemort? How much longer was Dumbledore going to stay? Was he going to betray her like Ferid said? What about Fudge? That bounty was going to be a problem. It is the highest bounty ever proposed in Wizarding Europe, and it was per Vampire. People from all over would be on the look out for them.

She collapsed on her bed. When did things get so complicated? "Argh!" She yelled. She needed to get this frustration out. Tomorrow, she thought. She was too tired to today, and Vampires did not need sleep. What was wrong with her? Whatever. I'll just take it out on Ferid tomorrow when we do our daily sparring.

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