Chapter Seven

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"A Slytherin?"

"Isn't that the transfer student?"

"I'm not joining if a Slytherin is."

"Who is that?"

Murmurs raced through the crowd. "Everyone please be quiet." Harry said, seeming to have found his voice and words. "Katrina? What are you doing here?"

"Stopping you from making a mistake."

"What mistake?" Ron asked.

"It's too late now. I suggest you start thinking about other places to hold your weekly meetings."


"Because now, one of Umbridge's faithful students has heard about this and has already told her. Guess what comes next?"

"How do you know!? Are you the 'Oh so faithful student'?" Asked Seamus Finnigan.

"No." They chased her out, and they all left.

~Three Days Later~

Educational Decree #32

By order of the Ministry, it is now illegal for students in groups larger than three to meet unless approved by the High Inquisitor.

Educational Decree #33

The position of Hogwarts High Inquisitor has been appointed to Dolores Umbridge.

Krul wasn't surprised. They had been so careless with their defense group. She went to the Library to read up on Wizard and Muggle history. It had been quite a few years since she stepped foot in either.

But while she was passing the girls bathroom, she heard pained gasps and grunts. Oh Hermione, Krul thought to herself. She walked in and knocked on the stall. "Hermione?" She asked. She sighed. Fledglings were so much work. They had to be fed, transitioned, they whined to much, and asked to many questions. They were so needy. She opened the door to check if she was okay. Krul was not having anymore complications in this mission.

She found Hermione holding her knees while sitting on the toilet. Her head snapped up and she lunged at Katrina. She moved so that Hermione bit into her arm again.

Krul felt the strange sensation of having the blood taken out of you in large quantities. She was use to it however, and pulled it away when it started to slow down. "Are you done?" She asked.

Hermione looked up. "I, I-"

"Need to learn control." She started to lick the blood on her arm away.

"When will you give me the cure?"

Krul stopped. "Hm? Oh that...yes, I think..." She broke off into light laughter. "When I want to."

"It hurts."

"I know. That's what happens if fledglings don't get enough blood. Don't worry, it won't kill you."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Well I do need a mole in Hogwarts to make sure I don't get caught."

"And if I get caught?"

Krul smirked and shrugged her shoulders before walking out heading back to the Library.

~Two Weeks Before Christmas~

"Hey Hermione," Harry said. It was dinner time and they were all sitting together, as usual. However, Hermione still didn't touch her food. "So, I was thinking about your idea. You know, the defense group." He said the last three words softly. "And I think I like the idea. So, Fred and George came to me and showed me somewhere we could do it secretly. It's called the Room of Requirement."

"Oh, you thought about it?" Hermione asked. He was confused. Why wasn't she happy?

"Yeah...Hermione, are you okay? You haven't been eating in quite a while and I'm getting worried. Don't tell me it's about the House Elves again."

"No it's just I don't have much of an appetite."

"Hermione, it's been over a month. Your hunched over like you're in pain. If something's wrong, you can tell me."

"Ye 'kerionly." Ron said.

There was a pause. "He said 'Yeah Hermione!'." Harry said.

"Thanks for your concern, but I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, but if-"

"SHUT UP!" Hermione yelled. She left and went to her dorm early.

Meanwhile, at the Slytherin Table, Krul had heard everything. "Oh you poor, poor, little pet." She muttered to herself.

"What did you say?" Draco asked. He was still keeping tabs on her.

"Oh nothing..."


"What did you say!?" Voldemort shouted.

"Draco was not able to confirm or deny that the girl, Katrina is indeed a Vampire, my Lord"

"That means you have failed...I don't like FAILURE!" Voldemort shouted. "Never the less I do have a plan."

"What is it my Lord?"

"You, Lucius, shall host a party for Yule. You will invite every pureblood and Draco shall give one to Katrina. Have him tell her it's because we aren't sure if she's a pureblood and would like to just make sure. Your deduction skills are much better than Draco's. You will decide. If she is a Vampire, bring her here. Understood?"

"Yes my Lord."


It was only a few days till Christmas break. Krul wasn't really sure where to go. She needed to stay with Harry, but he was going to the Order at Grimmauld Place. If she went there, she'd be exposed. No, she had to stay undercover. She could just stay at Hogwarts...but that was so boring. Maybe she'd go back home. She did have a kingdom to rule and it probably was a bad decision to leave Ferid in charge. I should probably go back, Krul thought. But then, a piece of paper hit her.

She looked around and saw an envelope and an upset Draco. "For some reason," Drace said. "My father thinks we should invite you to our party since you might be a pureblood. Come, or don't. I don't care either way." Then he left.

She picked up the envelope and went to Dumbledore's office. "Draco invited me to his father's party for Yule."

"Hm, interesting. I assume you've already figured out that their intentions aren't pure. I would like you to go however."

"And if they decide to take me to Voldemort? If they figure out my secret?"

"Well, it's not as if you can't just escape. If you needed to retreat back into the shadows, I can cover for you, no strings attached."

"I need to check on my kingdom."

"Please? It's only for a day."

"This is another favor paid then. Here I come Malfoys. And Voldemort."

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