Chapter Nineteen

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Umbridge wasn't sure what to do. No, I need to find Fudge. She thought. There was so much to report. Thankfully, someone must have recognized her and contacted him. The Minister was here in a matter of seconds. "Dolores!? What happened to you!?" He asked.

"Minister Fudge, so much has happened, I have so much to report, and there are tons of information I have discovered!" She said. They Apparated to this office were they had a longer conversation.


"Krul? Are you alright?" Ferid asked. She was sitting on her bed. That was it, just sitting there, not moving at all.

"I just freed Umbridge."

Ferid's face contorted to show curiosity. He walked over to her and felt her forehead. "Are you sick?" He asked. Krul slapped his hand away. "I suppose not. Do you think it might be that your hard shell is finally tearing away?"

"It's to late to get rid of that." Ferid left the room, but not before leaving something on the floor. It was a Tarot card. Specifically, the Hanged Man. Krul looked at it and remembered in her first Divination lesson at Hogwarts, she had drawn this in their activity. "Shit." She said. She had been told to be more open minded. Maybe she should have stayed at Hogwarts.

But no, her covered would have soon been blown and it'd probably only landed her in Azkaban or maybe worse. Was there worse though? Then, Krul realized something. How had Ferid known about this? "...FERID GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" He better not have been spying on her while she was at Hogwarts.


"This is all true?" Fudge asked. Umbridge nodded. "They have a hidden kingdom in Japan?" He asked.

Umbridge nodded again. "And another one here in the United Kingdom, I suspect. The Queen commanded all "hunting" to be stopped until the threat against them we have put forward has withdrawn."

"She has?" Fudge asked. He wasn't quite sure what "hunting" meant, but if she ordered all of it to stop because they feel threatened... "They're afraid!" He exclaimed. "Yes, that must be if she had told them to stop hunting. Then perhaps we can draw up a treaty just like with the Centaurs and Giants." Fudge didn't want to retaliate now. No, if someone is driven to far into the corner, they will fight back. He knew that if it ever came to that, the Wizarding populace would be demolished.

"Minister, there are a few more things." Umbridge said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well, to begin with, the Vampires are harboring Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore!? There is no way...surely...he would not be an ally of those overgrown leeches!" Fudge exclaimed.

"I wouldn't like to believe it either. However, he was the one to convince them to release me."

"They listen to him?" Fudge asked.

"I don't believe it's that simple, but yes it appears so. However, Minister I must apologize to you..."

"Dolores, what is it?" Fudge asked.

"They did not wholly listen to him. I was freed on the condition that I was to supply information to them."

Fudge remained silent for a few moments. " How will you rely it to them?" He asked.

"Minister, I apologize-"

"All I asked is how."

"The Queen said she'd send one of the Vampires to Ollivander's Wand shop on Saturday at 6 pm."

"In that case, don't be sorry, Dolores. You have given us a chance. They clearly haven't realized that you'd tell me this."

"Are you saying...?"

"Yes, Dolores. Soon, this battle will surely end. But the war has just begun."


It was Saturday, a few minutes past 6:30 pm. Umbridge had arrived at Ollivander's wand shop about an hour ago and the blasted Vampire still hadn't showed up! "How am I even suppose to know who he is?" Umbridge wondered.

"Oh, Umbridge-San!" A familiar voice said. It couldn't be...

"Mika?" Umbridge asked. The mysterious man from the Kingdom was here wearing ordinary wizard robes.

"Yes, Queen think I best for job. Sorry I late. And my name actually Hyakuya Mikaela. But everyone call me Mika." He said in his usual broken English. But what was unusual was the smile on his face. No one had ever smiled in the Vampire Kingdom, not even most Vampires. "You have letter?" He asked.

"No." She said.

The smile on his face disappeared. "I sorry, Umbridge-San. Queen very clear. No letter, I take you back."

Once those words were out, there were twenty loud pop sounds and suddenly, twenty Aurors surrounded them. In unison, they all cast "Stupefy!"

However, Mika did the unexpected. It would have been normal if he was hit, even if he wasn't hit. If he had dodged using some crazy gymnastics or acrobatics stunt. It would have been normal if he had killed all of them.

But no, he didn't do any of that. He simply stood there as the twenty spells reflected back to the Aurors, similar to the effect of the spell "Protego".

In fact, that spell had been cast. By Mika. Wordlessly, wandlessly, barely moved a muscle.

"What...?" Umbridge said as she looked at the twenty unconscious Aurors.

"I Wizard." Mika said.

This wasn't possible. Was it? Was there such thing as a Vampire Wizard? But how was he able to perform magic so well? It seemed as if he was stronger than Dumbledore!

"It called Seraph gene."

I changed the Seraph gene to also include a strong talent for magic. For people who have not watched Owari no Seraph, it will be explained later.

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