Chapter Seventeen

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Picture is of Mikaela who you will meet at the end of this chapter.

"Well, this isn't actually Hell, but it could be. At least we're fed, and we have schools and everything, but we're always living in fear of them." Kanade continued.

"You mean the Vampires?"

Kanade nodded. "If you walk out that door, it's pretty easy to find one of us being beaten for no good reason, or threatened with death. Sometimes, there are even brave souls who openly speak or even act against against them. Usually, it doesn't end well for those poor souls. But, if you respect them, follow the rules, life is almost normal."

"You wouldn't happen to have an address for this place would you?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Because-" she stopped herself before she almost revealed magic to a muggle. Umbridge had planned to Apparate out and tell Minister Fudge so he might be able to launch an attack on these Vampires, but she didn't have a location for this place except "Japan" which was too broad, and she now realized, she didn't even have her wand on her. "It doesn't matter."

Kanade shrugged. "If you say so." Then, there was an abrupt knock on the door. "Who is that?"

"誰もが私の後ろに来る。私はドアに行くつもりです。*" Ikuto said. He walked to the door as everyone else retreated to the back of the house.

When he opened the door, it was the last person Umbridge expected to see. Krul. She had learned he real name through Lucius who had gained it after his traumatizing She trailed off in thought after realizing that this is where Lucius was taken. What was going to happen to her?



"それはあなたの心配ではありません。****" Ikuto hesitantly moved aside and pointed at Umbridge. Crap, she thought. I'm going to die.

"Umbridge, come here." Krul said. Slowly, she walked towards Krul. "NOW!" She yelled. Umbridge picked up the pace.

"W-What do you want?" Umbridge asked.

Krul look at her from head to toe. "You look well. Anyways, I'm here to apologize for Lacus's rude behavior. He probably wouldn't have had to attack you if it wasn't for the usage of those blood quills though. Nasty little things." Krul said. She held up her hand which had a matching scar to Harry Potter. "I should know."


"Shut up. I'm just glad I was able to stop it from heal on the spot so I could stay at Hogwarts as long as I could."

"Shh!" Umbridge shouted. Bent down and covered Krul's mouth. She didn't want her to openly speak about magic in a room full of muggles. But she realized she made a grave mistake when Krul glared at her and about three Vampires started to walked towards the little house, with their hands on their weapons.

Krul slapped her arm away. "Unhand me, vermin. You don't have any power here like in the Wizarding World. And don't worry, no one here will tell the rest of the world, because no one ever escapes. Besides, we have a few Wizards here to." She turned to leave. "Don't bother with her." She told the other Vampires outside. "She's not anything special."


Krul walked towards the library. She really need to relax right now, and what better way than a quiet room with a good book? Even though she'd already read every single book in there at least five time each. She'd been trying to go out and get some new ones, but there wasn't really any point. She didn't even have the money. And she would rather not cause a scene in the mortal realm.

But as she entered the library, she saw that there might be something more important to discuss. "Dumbledore? Is something wrong? You don't come out of your room often."

"Well, actually, I've heard you've obtained a Ministry official and they are here in this city."

"Yes, so?"

"I would like you to release Dolores, Krul."

"Why?" She asked.

"Think of the consequences, Krul. Please."

"Those consequences do not affect me."

"They will. And you know it."

"Humans are humans, they'll forget."

"She's not just an official, Krul. She is directly under the Minister. This time, we won't forget. But if you show leniency...maybe you won't have to hide anymore."

"Look around, Dumbledore! As soon as they find even one of our cities, we're finished. What's the point of releasing one of them? There are hundreds of people here alone! They won't care." Krul exited the room. So much for finding a good book.


"What did you do!?" Kanade screamed.

"What?" Umbridge asked.

"You just offended the Queen. And now we're all going to pay the price!" Kanade shouted.

"かな、落ち着いて。*****" Keiichi said.

"落ち着かないように教えてください!******" Kanade replied. There was a knock on the door. "Now who is it!?" She stormed over to the door and swung it open. It was Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore!? This is where you've been!? With them!?" Umbridge screamed.

"Yes, Dolores. This is where I have been. I'm currently trying to persuade Krul into releasing you, but she isn't listening. So now, I turn to you. Please, don't do anything to get yourself killed." He said.



Mikaela stared at that house on his right. They were so loud.

*Everyone come behind me. I'm going to the door.

**Where is Umbridge?


****That is not your concern.

*****Kana, calm down. (Kana, short for Kanade.)

******Please don't tell me to calm down!

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