Chapter Twenty Six

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Minister Fudge needed some way to retaliate against the Vampires. Somehow, he was able to use Umbridges memories to track their base in Japan. So, he spilt the Auror's numbers in half. One side combated the current siege and the other went with him to the base.

When they all Apparated there, they stood in a large hall, made of gold and white marble. It had one door and one tunnel, most likely leading out. But what surprised them was that in front of them stood one Vampire: Krul. "Hello Minister Fudge, I've been expecting you. It's nearly dinner, would you like to join me?" She asked.

Fudge was confused. What was she doing? Wait, what were the Aurors doing!? "What are you doing!?" He shouted. "Get her!" They all threw spell after hex after curse but nothing happened.

"That's quite rude." Krul said, clearly agitated. "All I had done was invite you to have dinner with me." She turned around and walked to the large door. They started to pursue her. "Oh? Are we playing a game of tag now?" She started to run. Somehow, they were able to keep up and they ended up in the dining hall. Krul sat at the end of the long table with her crystal glass full of a red substance, most probably blood. "Oh, how nice of you to accept my invitation!" She said. Then she slapped herself in the face. "I need to stop hanging out with Ferid!" She grunted.

"Did you call me?" A voice said. A silver haired man walked in through a different door. "Oh, hi Krul! Dinner already?" He asked. He sat down on the other side of the long table and then turned to the Aurors and Fudge. "Well are you joining us or not!?" He asked.

Cautiously, they all found a seat and sat down. They were all extremely confused.


Tonks was not having a good day. First, the Vampires attack. What's up with that!? She thought Krul was on their side.

And then, she is told she was going to go with Fudge to attack the Vampire's base in Japan. WHAT!? She had thought. Actually, she was still thinking that every second. But, she Apparated to the base and found herself face to face with Krul. For a split second, she was the only one there, until many others arrived.

She was the only one who noticed that Krul wore a menacing look and a dagger until she showed up. Then, there was split second for shock written on her face which then turned into a cheerful grin. "Hello Minister Fudge, I've been expecting you. It's nearly dinner, would you like to join me?" She asked. One attack and a game of "tag" later, they were all seated at a long table.

Unfortunately, Tonks was stuck next to Ferid. This meant she could hear what Fudge and Krul were saying, and she had to deal with him. It was completely silent, then Ferid nudged her shoulder. "Hey," he said. "I didn't get to ask you before, but what's your blood type?"

Tonks, and everyone really, moved their chairs away from him. Even Krul. "Please ignore him." She said. "He's an idiot."

"Krul," Fudge said. "I am not here to eat."

"Oh, yes you're here about the war right?"

"Yes, in fact-"

"You should shut up. Who's base are you currently in?" He shut up. "Thank you. So, for dinner, I'm going to see if I can get you anything. We probably have a few spare rations. Are you okay with curry? We might have some bread and butter too. But this was rather abrupt...maybe just bread and butter. Sorry we don't have any alcoholic beverages though, it messes with the livestock, and-"

"Livestock!?" Fudge interrupted.

"Oh right, you don't know." Krul said. "Well, better to keep it that way. So are you okay with rice and curry? It only take about half an hour to make."

"Sure, and how about in the time it takes to cook, you show me what this 'livestock' is." Fudge replied angrily.

Krul sighed. "Fine. Maybe it'll also finally get you to back off. Ferid, keep an eye on the guests. Don't let them leave this room, and make sure he doesn't follow us."

Who's "he"? Tonks thought. Wait...Dumbledore! He's here! But wait...she's leaving was alone with Ferid...


"So Fudge, where do you want to go first? Maybe the playgrounds? Or perhaps the library." Krul said. She and Fudge were walking through the halls.

"I just want to see it. That's all."

"Okay, then I just show you to the balcony." She lend him through a door which held a balcony overlooking the city full of rundown houses and other slightly damaged buildings.

"I don't see anything." Fudge replied. But then, he looked closely. "Wait...are those...?"

"Yes, Minister Fudge. These are our livestock. These humans."


"Yes, we kidnap people. We give them new lives here, it's al,out just like their old lives. Actually, about 65% of the people here were actually born down here."

Fudge had no words. He was angry, scared, and shocked.

"We should head back to the dining room." Krul said. "Ferid might have gotten hungry."

Fudge took a moment to register what she had just implied, and then chased after her. They soon ended up at the door and opened it only to find Ferid holding a bloody, unconscious Auror in the corner of the room with many wands pointed at him.

"Ferid!" Krul shouted. "I told you not to do that in front of guests! Did you kill him!?" Krul said in a motherly tone, as if she was telling him fold the laundry. She stormed over there and checked the Auror's pulse. "Oh good, he's not dead. Well what should we do now?" She asked. "Fudge?"

"Um- uh- well..." He intelligently said.

"Ferid, just take him to an empty guest room. And while you're at it, could you get me R.Z. 67512 D?" Krul said.

"What's the magic word?" Ferid teased.

"Is it...I'm-too-fucking-tired-to-kill-you-now-but-I-will-if-I-need-to?" Krul asked.

Ferid sighed. "Of course, my Queen." He took his leave and left the entire room silent. As if it wasn't already though.

No one was really sure what to do. And then the food came. Most of them didn't even smell it, sure that it contained some sort of poison or other dangerous substance. "What?" Krul said. "It's not poisoned." Cautiously, one brave soul took a bite. He screamed. "Really? It's not even spicy. I think. I can't taste anything anymore. Only Mika can." She then mutter a string of curse directed towards "Mika".

Then, they all took a single bite, and learned it was not, in fact poisoned. Krul knew that there were several members of the Order here, and Dumbledore would be extremely upset if they died directly because of her, so she didn't mess with the food. Okay, she told the cooks to make some of them extremely spicy as a prank. Still harmless!

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