8. He's Losing Me...

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Remade  *please read very different from last version*

Chapter 8- Friday

I don't know why but it was like a million butterflies where let loose in my stomach as soon as our eyes met and I saw how his face contorted like he was considering leaving and that made my heart twist in disappointment and relief.

I just shook it off and cleared my throat when the two of them turned to walk off without me. Keller turned around and raised an eyebrow at me while Stephen continued walking down the poorly lit tunnel.

"What the fuck Stephen!?" I screamed in frustration and slumped against the nearest wall not caring that the dress I was wearing got dirty... actually I was kind of glad that it got dirty because it dimmed the brightness of the short tight florescent pink dress.

"I want to go home. Now."

But he just ignored me and rounded the corner which made me mutter some curses under my breath that you should never say around grandma... you'll get spanked and sent to scrub your mouth...with bleach. She actually made me do that once, except not with bleach. She used bar soap because I was the only heir to their throne. I'm the only heir to their throne and yet they're practically selling me to another country.

Keller was still standing there staring at me with a mixture of visible but unreadable expressions on his face. He took a step towards me and my pulse picked up its pace with every agonizingly slow, careful step he took.

I bit my lip looking down at my pink ballet flats and straightened up against the grimy wall then I saw another pair of feet between the spaces mine were apart but I didn't dare look up.

I don't know what's happening to me...I don't act this way around boys. I'm a cocky ass flirt for shit's sake! I don't get butterflies or sweaty palms or quickened heart rates and all of the other bullshit reactions I read in books but never experienced. Once.

I looked up a bit and saw him fiddling with his fingers awkwardly so I bit the insides of my cheeks, took a deep breath in and slowly raised my head to look him straight—well not exactly straight seeing that he was taller than me well... a lot of people are taller than me actually—in his unbearably deep brown eyes and my breath caught in my throat when his hand accidentally touched my thigh making my body tingle in excitement.

To be completely honest I was quite disappointed when he moved his hand and took a few steps back.

"C'mon, the party's this way," he said in a strange voices and stalked off with his head down in the same direction as Stephen.

I bit my lip, I didn't want him to go and I didn't want to go after him.

"Help me find my phone," I stated boldly planting my feet on the ground like a stubborn child.

He turned around turned around with a look of amazement on his face, "Please?"

I just rolled my eyes and grinned at him with my head tilted, "I'm a princess remember?"

The look he was giving me never faded, his eyes were wide in amusement and— what almost looked like—admiration as he shook his head chuckling walking towards me.

I bashfully ducked my head and we headed off in the opposite direction as Stephen.


50 missed: mom 49 dad 1

1 new text from Ali: 'did it work? Do you need bail money? Wtf happened? I'm hungry...'

I rolled my eyes at the text typical Ali and that call from dad was probably mom making sure I'm dead or missing and not ignoring her. I hardly ever answer her calls.

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