XII: A Mother's Scorn

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Rebel and the Beast

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza

All Rights Reserved

Rebel and the Beast

Chapter Twelve; A Mother’s Scorn

Collapsing into the couch was becoming quite the habit lately. Habitually, the minute he closed his eyes, Shannon placed a cup of steaming coffee on the table before him. Leaning forward, Aiden grabbed the cup, eyes still closed, and took a large gulp. “He’s not getting better.”

“Officer Hale gave his word,” Shannon reminded, “Have a bit of patience, he’s doing his best.”

“It’s not enough,” Aiden growled, leaning forward and opening his eyes, his gaze zeroing in on the wooden floor as his agitation grew. “It’s not enough...”


Clearing his throat, Caleb stood, excusing himself before making his way toward the door. He gasped, “Elle? What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

She shrugged, a playful glint in her eye. Aiden shot up at the sound of her name. “Stalling.”

Both men’s brows furrowed in confusion, both taken completely aback when she turned, using the handcuffs to strangle one officer whilst kicking the other out the window. Eventually, her hostage ran out of air, dropping to his knees and eventually on his face. “Finally,” She breathed, “Someone get me out of these blasted things.”

“You have more than the usual explaining to do, we’ve all been worried sick! How did you even es- Are you listening to me?!”

Slipping through Brice’s door, she drew a sharp breath at the sight of him tossing and turning, whimpering in his sleep. Without further thought, she walked towards his bed and slipped her arms around him, holding his sweating being with everything she had. “I’m so sorry,” She whispered, “God, I am so sorry, kid.” It wasn’t long after that, the darkness came to consume her.

-2 days later-

“Breakfast?” Aiden exclaimed, stretching lazily, his eyes sweeping over the perfectly dressed table. His next words were swallowed in a yawn, but Elle was growing accustomed to his antiques, “What’s the occasion?”

“No occasion,” She replied, flipping the pancake effortlessly. 

Leaning against the counter, he fixed her with a flat look, “As sexy as this whole breakfast after morning sex thing is, I call bull.”

She rolled her eyes, “Must you gloat every time we do it?” She smirked then, those blue eyes dancing with mischief, “Has it been that long?” Taken off guard, he stood, just looking for something to come back with. His search was interrupted when she handed him a tray of toast, “Set this on the table,” He snorted, hastily grabbing the plate and casting her one last glare. “And darling?” He tensed at the nickname, “Work on your composure, alright? Extended jaws are not attractive.”

“You guys are so cute. I wish you could have a kid,”

“Brice,” Elle lectured, walking over to drop eggs on his plate, “We do have a kid,” He glanced up at her through calculated eyes, she smiled down at him, “You.”

“It’s not mine,” Aiden rejected, selecting a piece of bacon from the pan. She swatted him with the spatula, causing him to drop it and laughed. It was sweet and far from bitter, almost genuine.

Lightly tapping his shoulder, she continued laughing, “Ever say that again and I’ll chop off your dick,” And then she went back to cooking.

“Good morning gentlemen, my lady,” Shannon added, bowing slightly at the waist before snatching up a mug and pouring himself a cup. Peering over his shoulder, he fixed her with a frown, “Is everything set?” 

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