X: Never Test a Beast

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Rebel and the Beast

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza 

All Rights Reserved

Rebel and the Beast

Chapter Ten; Never Test a Beast

Whistling, she stepped into the dungeon, checking behind her for any unwanted company. With the coast clear, she ran in, headed straight for the only reason she was down here. Keys. Before she made it to the safe, she froze at the weakest whimper she’d ever had the misfortune of hearing. Slowly turning towards the noise, she found herself face to face with a cell. It appeared empty, only when she took a step forward did she notice a tiny pile of brown bags make the slightest of movements. She froze, watching intently as a tiny, anorexic hand reached up to pull down the hood. She gasped, taking a step away from the bars, “Oh my God!” She exclaimed before running to the bars, her eyes scanning over the long forgotten body, taking in every inch, every visible scar, “You’re alive?”

Her friend’s thin lips spread into a faint smile, her dry skin cracking at the foreign movement, “Barely.” She croaked. Elle’s heart dropped to her feet, pulling out her silver flask and offering it to her dying companion. 

“If I would’ve known...” She trailed, sticking her arm through the bars.

Shaking her head, the frail woman moved forward, taking the flask with shaking hands, “It- It’s fine, Elle. R-really.”

“You must be freezing,” She pushed, moving to pull off her jacket. She stopped when the woman reached out, even her grip felt light as a feather. Elle swallowed, searching those deep, hopeless eyes.

“Don’t.” She breathed, passing back the flask, “If they find it...”

She furrowed her brows, “Do they come regularly?” She nodded, leaning back into the brick wall. “If they’re here so often, why don’t they feed you?”

She laughed, it was short and bitter, before tugging her hood over her corse, greasy hair, “They don’t care about my hygiene, Elle. It’s just less of a chance I’ll get pregnant.” Her eyes widened, the unspoken question lingered in the air. In response, she gave a weak nod. Elle locked her jaw, her eyes falling just to the left of where her friend sat. “And Elle?” That got her attention, looking back at her friend, she watched the smallest of smiles grace her face, “Thank you.” And that was it. She sagged against the wall without another breath. Elle sat, horrified, stunned. And finally, reality set in, she jumped up, launching at the bars, “LILITH!” She screamed, the heart break more than evident in her tone, “LILITH!” She yelled, jerking the bars, trying to rip open the cage, emotions swirling, mind spinning, her thoughts were deafening.

She barely heard Jace’s men enter, shouting orders and confirmations. She didn’t hear as someone fetched Jace, she didn’t hear the clicking of an old suitcase, she didn’t see the needle, and she didn’t feel it pierce the skin. She didn’t even know she was crying until she dropped, drained of everything as three fading Jace’s caught her fall and wiped the tears from her face, “Shhh,” he cooed, “It’s alright, you’re alright, you’re gonna wake up, and it’s gonna be okay.” She didn’t have time to argue, she didn’t have time to digest, she did the only thing a girl filled with sedatives could do. She stood by and let the darkness consume her.

“No, it doesn’t-”

“It’s been two months, Shannon.”

He frowned, “Caleb..”

“You know what Brice said.” Aiden grunted, tossing Brice’s puked-on pillow case into the laundry. 

“Speaking of, we’ll have to take him to the doctor soon-”

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