III: It's Pretty Reckless

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Rebel and the Beast

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza

All Rights Reserved

Rebel and the Beast

Chapter Three; It's Pretty Reckless

“How long till you try to kill each other?”


Grinning over the lid of her cup, Lilith only chuckled in response, “It’s been a day, Elle. A day. You’ve had two near death encounters within 24 hours, and you’re honestly expecting to live with this man?” Elle merely rolled her eyes, giving her friend her famous cold shoulder before taking a sip from the steaming cup of heaven in her hands. “And you're smoking,” Lilith pushed, “How long can you go without one? Seriously Elle, have you thought anything through?”

“Oh my God!” She groaned, rocking forwards in her chair so she could better look at her friend, “Have a little faith, eh?” When Lil didn’t respond, Elle softened her features, reassuring her friend of ten years with a bright, promising smile, “I’ll be fine.”

“You always say that,” She grumbled, “Right before you do something completely idiotic.”


“Elle,” There it was. The motherly scorn. She’d always been so good at that.

“As long as there’s not a dead body on the eight o’clock news, I’m doing fine.”

“Don’t make me regret this,” Elle’s smirk was hidden behind the cup. But it didn’t matter, Lil’d seen it plenty of times before. In fact, she probably knew she was doing it right then, just cause she couldn’t see it didn’t mean shit. Sighing, Lilith snatched her blaring phone from her bag, casting it her best confused expression before answering, “Yeah?” Pause. “Is he okay?” Panic. The way those hazel eyes widened and snapped to Elle. As if she’d collapse had she not been there. It put Elle on edge, and there she was, typical laxed posture slowly hardening, stiffening, contracting. She was a spring, coiling in, ready for a fight.

Forcing herself to relax was harder when someone else was here. She went through the process all the time, it shouldn’t matter if people were there or not. But for some reason it did. Especially when said person was family and hysterical. Then it was like she slipped into that mode, and she couldn’t come back out. Not for days. She knew the dangers of going down this route, but she couldn’t not. The more unanswered questions flashed through Lil’s terrified eyes, the more Elle just wanted to kill whatever was on the other line. “Yes, yes, of course.” She nodded, “Understandable.” Another nod, “Twenty minutes.” Stuffing the phone in the bag, she wasted no time in gathering her things. Tossing her coat over her arms she swung her bag over her shoulders, bending to give Elle a quick, half-hearted hug, “I gotta go hun. Have fun with your roommate.”

Before she could pull back, Elle’s hand found it’s way around her forearm, holding her securely in place. Lil tried pulling once, before her eyes settled on Elle’s, pupils dilating in recognition, “Elle,” She instructed slowly, “Breathe.” When that didn’t work, she shifted her posture, forcing all the nerves from her, “It’s just Brice. He’s been called to the office. He had a fight with another student. Again. They’re worried and they want a meeting, that’s all.”

Taking a deep breath, Elle forced herself to let go of her friend. “Thank you, i love you. It’s gonna be fine.” Elle watched her run off, taking a sip from her mocha as she contemplated the previously absurd question. If a call from a school could make her flash back, then maybe living with a guy who constantly pushed all her buttons was a bad idea... A really bad idea, actually.

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