V: Bathed In Blood

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Rebel and the Beast

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza

All Rights Reserved

Rebel and the Beast

Chapter Five; Bathed In Blood

“Sir,” Even his pleas were beginning to disgust the hooded man, running his fingers along his sharpened knife, he drug his eyes over the wounded and bleeding body. “Sir, please-” He didn’t listen, rubbing the fresh blood into the fabric of his gloves, “I have money, anything- Anything you’d like.” Rolling his eyes, he merely backed the cowardly man into a corner, careful not to utter a word as he crouched to his level. Slowly dragging the blade along the man’s jaw. He let out a high-pitched screech, causing the hooded man to chuckle. “P-p-p-pl-please!”

Clicking his tongue in a tisking manor, the killer stood to his full height and turned on his heal, taking but two steps before he heard the man sigh. Bingo. Twisting at the torso, he tossed the blade like a dart, more than satisfied as it hit home. Rolling his shoulders, he walked over to the relieved looking man and, with careful, calculated movements, began to drench him in gasoline.

Sparing her friend with one last sad smile, Elle opened her mouth, only to be interrupted. “I’m ready!”

Looking down at the ten-year-old boy, Elle didn’t fight the warm smile slowly making its way onto her features. “Got everything?” She quizzed.


“Tooth brush?” He nodded enthusiastically. “Hair brush?” Another nod, only this time he started jumping up and down with excitement. “Underwear?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” He exclaimed, causing both adults to laugh, “Can we go now? Pleeeaasssee?”

“Yeah, kid, we’re going,” Ruffling his hair, she sent his mother a look of pure promise. Lilith nodded in response, waving desperately at her departing son. 

“I love you, Brice!”

“I know,”

“Brice!” Elle scolded, lightly smacking his shoulder.

Sighing the kid turned back around, “I love you, mom,” He assured, dropping his bag to give her one of his famous running hugs. When they broke apart, Lil was in tears, sending them sad smiles as they closed the door behind them.

“Hungry, kid?”

“I’m ten,” He lectured, “I’m always hungry.”

Rolling her eyes, she replied with a simple, “Of course,” turning to the freezer and selecting a pizza at random. Her phone vibrated from the table but she was too occupied to bother, asking Brice, “Mind getting that?”

“Hello,” He greeted. When he spoke again, she could hear the frown in his voice, “It’s for you.”

Laughing she closed the stove with her foot before taking the phone, “Yeah?”

“Price, it’s Ben.”

Turning from the boy, she took a moment to compose herself, “What do you want?”

“We have a case,”

“Ben, I’m busy.”

“Yeah, did you adopt that kid or kidnap him? Because it is-”

“None of your concern, that’s what it is. You have five seconds to win me over or I’m gone.”

He took a deep breath, “A famous chef found in the ally behind his restaurant with a butchers knife lodged in his chest. Authorities said it was a suicide, but get this- the body is drenched in gasoline.”

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