IX: How Low Can You Go?

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Rebel and the Beast

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza 

All Rights Reserved

Rebel and the Beast

Chapter Nine; How Low Can You Go?

With wide eyes and trembling fingers, she felt the hickey, goosebumps consuming her skin. She shivered involuntarily, oh God no, not a hickey, not a hickey. A bruise, yeah, it was a bruise. Slowly, memories began to flood her mind causing her to gasp and sit straight up on the couch. Her eyes raked over her body, heart racing as her attention pulled towards an unconscious Aiden. Then back to her ‘bruise’. Well... Fuck. 

“Don’t worry, that’s not the only one he left.” She jumped, head snapping towards a frowning Caleb. He was just sitting in his chair, nonchalantly sipping his mug, in his boxers. As if a friend, gone for just over a decade, randomly showing up, emptying your liquor stash, and having sex in the living room was a normal occurrence for him. Then again... The boys had been the only ones willing to put up with her during her... addict phase. So actually, yes, this was quite the norm. “I honestly can’t decide if he’s good for you or not....” Caleb trailed, those soft puppy-like eyes watching the nude couple with motherly concern.

Because none of this is completely awkward at all... “Oh, don’t torture the girl,” She tensed at Shannon’s presence, grabbing a pillow to conceal her areas. Making his way around the furnishings, Shannon smiled down at her, still wearing Caleb’s things, and held out a pair of clothes. “Go shower,” He instructed, wrinkling his nose in obvious distaste. “You smell like sex.” She frowned, taking the offering, her eyes lingering on Aiden’s bare back. God, this was beyond embarrassing. “Don’t worry,” Shannon coaxed, winking as he lit another cigarette, “I’ll protect him from the big bad wolf.” Rolling her eyes, Elle pushed off the couch, and ran to the bathroom before she could be seen.

Running her fingers through her hair for the last time, Elle made her way down the hall, not at all pleased to find Aiden laying on the floor, still knocked out. Stomping over, she fixed the guys with a murderous look and in no time at all, Shannon returned with their clean laundry. Still a little pissed about last nights events, she punched him straight in the shoulder, as hard as she could. What happened next though, wasn’t at all expected. Aiden was quicker than she would’ve ever given him credit for. Pinning her to the wall with all the strength and speed of a fully functioning man, not one currently hung over and just awakened. He smirked when he noticed it was her, bringing his face merely inches from hers, “Well hello there,” Rolling her eyes, she shoved him back, grunting at the effort before chucking his clothes at him. 

“Get changed, we’re leaving.”

“So soon?” Shannon whined.

Caleb snorted, “Honestly Elle, you show up, drink all our alcohol, have sex in our home, and then leave. When are you going to start changing?”

Aiden was half way to the bathroom when he stopped and turned around, “How often do you do this?”

She narrowed her eyes before turning back to Caleb, “Look, I love you, I do. And honestly, I’ve changed. I just need to find Brice and Lilith. Preferably soon.” Caleb’s brown eyes blackened before directing them towards his mug, Shannon stayed silent and Aiden stiffened. They all knew what that meant, in fact, Aiden was the only one here dumb enough to believe they could still be alive. 

Chances were Lilith was already gone, cause of death? Rape and then murder by fire. They burnt her alive, it’s all he would talk about. She was merely a surrogate, because that’s what he wanted. A wife to be the envy of everyone, and come running at his every beck and call. And children. He wanted children to train and coach, so that one day, they could all rule side-by-side. 

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