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Rebel and the Beast

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza

All Rights Reserved

Rebel and the Beast


You know, all my life I pictured myself laying on the floor of my bachelor pad, my head in some attractive, yet seriously emotionally fucked, guy’s lap at like three in the morning. Sharing a joint as we listened to Nirvana and the Rolling Stones on our record player. I always pictured me in one of his beat-up hoodies, legs bare as they tapped along to whatever track happened to be playing.

I always pictured him in some random worn-out band T, his old acoustic propped up against the ceiling-to-floor speakers attached to our five-disk stereo. And how could I forget the endless stacks of CD’s, and how much I loved the way his stomach contracted when he sang along.

That was my fairytale. Alcohol, drugs, and late night sex. Every girl has her fairytale, her happy ending, mine just happened to be a bit... different. It’s not like I didn’t have exposure to the knights in shinning armor, I just liked the rebels, the flawed heroes, the ones encaged within themselves. I didn’t pity them or wish to set them free. I just wanted someone who understood.

No. I’m not selling myself short, just not everyone is the blue gown and matching tiara type. Me- I’m the troubled kid. I’m the chick in tight pants, black boots, and loose hoodies. The one who’s always plugged in, be it an amp or iPod.

I’m your rebel. And this is my happy ending.

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza

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