VIII: Ohhh, So You're the Beauty

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Rebel and the Beast

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza 

All Rights Reserved

Rebel and the Beast

Chapter Eight; Ohhh, So You’re the Beauty

“Run it by me again,” She groaned, eyes studying each set of numbers as they walked the halls.

325... 327... “She knew her kid was in danger, so she abandoned him?”

Rolling her eyes, Elle captured her bottom lip between her teeth, staring at the upcoming doors in anticipation. It was coming. It had to be. They were running out of hall. “No, she sent him to someone better equipped to handle him.” 329...

He snorted, “You mean the drunk thug that left him unsupervised?” She turned then, pressing her forearm to his throat and drilling him into the wall. 

“None of that,” She growled, “Would’ve happened without you.”

“I was kidnapped,” He pushed, eyes narrowing before flickering to her lips. And she’d be lying if she wasn’t momentarily distracted by the gesture. If he’d made a move, she would’ve been in no position to stop him. She was stressed, tense, pensive.. She was one alcoholic beverage from flipping her switch and shutting it all down. Without emotion... Well, she was on fun bitch. “A little close,” he stated, bringing her from her haze. She blinked, looking into those mossy green orbs, completely transfixed, and when he finally found his voice, she couldn’t help but notice it’d dropped a few octaves, “yeah?”

Pulling back, she dropped her arms, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she averted her gaze, “These... Um, the ‘safe house’ is... Well.. They’re different

She could feel his gaze on her, burning through her defenses. “Which means what exactly?”

“They’re... Very... Strong willed,” She settled, sparing him a quick glance, “And they never fail to speak their minds.”

He cocked an eyebrow, “So I’m meeting two more you’s?”

Turning back to the doors, she found the last in the hall. 331. Taking a deep breath, she felt the half-smirk tug on her features, “Somethin’ like that.” Leaving no room for arguments, she raised her fist and knocked.


Biting back her laughter, Elle spared a glance at Aiden to find him looking at the door in his best ‘What the fuck’ face, “Was that a man?”

She didn’t bother answering, knowing damn well what was coming. “CALEB RUSSLE, IF YOU ANSWER THAT DOOR, I SWEAR ON YOUR MOTHERS GRAVE-”

The door swung open, revealing a young, enviously fit male. He beamed at her before giving off a girlish shriek, “IT’S ELLE! SHANNON! ELLE’S HERE!”

She embraced Caleb, her official greeting nothing but laughter as Shannon came around the corner in nothing but a towel, tooth brush in hand. “Honestly, what are you going on about? I’ve never heard of a-” He stopped mid-sentence, his eyes growing wide before settling on Aiden, “My, you are fine,”

Caleb ground his jaw before turning to his boyfriend, “Oh, I see how you are, love you too, fuck-head.” He spat, closing the deal with a wave of his middle finger. “Elle,” He continued, turning back to his company, “Why are you still out here? Come in, come in.”

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