IV: Go Fuck Yourself

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Rebel and the Beast

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza

All Rights Reserved

Rebel and the Beast

Chapter Four; Go Fuck Yourself

“Alright!” She announced, kicking the door closed behind her. 

“Aunty Ellie!” Not even a second had passed before a significant amount of weight smashed into her leg, shifting her weight, Elle let out an unattractive grunt before forcing a smile.

“Hey kid! Miss me?”

“Did you bring me present?”

“Not this time, kid.” She dismissed half heartedly, walking into the kitchen with maximum difficulty. 

Turning from the stove, Lil’s eyes scanned the groceries disapprovingly before she kneeled down to talk with her son, “Brice, do mommy a favor and go start your bath, okay?”


“Brice.” She scolded, Elle rolled her eyes, waiting patiently for the kid to peel himself off her jeans. “What the hell are you doing?” She whisper-yelled. 

Dropping the groceries on the counter, Elle fixed her friend with a dull expression, “Lil,” She began, hopping onto the counter only to be interrupted.

“Off my counter tops.”

“Of course mother,” When her feet touched ground, she spared her friend a look of brief annoyance, “I’m just-”

“Helping, I know. But we can handle this.”

“Lil, you know he gets out this month.”

Chomping on her bottom lip, Lil’s hazel eyes brightened to a gut-quenchingly beautiful golden brown. Elle wasn’t surprised to see the transaction, they always did that, when she cried. “I know.”

“You need help.”


“Lil,” And that was all it took. The running water was barely audible over her friend’s broken-hearted sobs. Wrapping her arms around her friend’s shaking frame, Elle placed her chin on her head, holding her as tight as she could. “You can get through this.” She whispered. “I know you can.”

“What if he comes for him?” She cried, “What if he comes for my son?”

Rubbing her friend’s back in a reassuring manor, Elle forced a half-hearted smile, “Then I’ll kick his ass.”

“On a scale of one to ten-”

“Fuck you.”

“Aiden,” Sighing, he cracked his neck before sparing his friend a glance. “C’mon man, drunk or not, I know you.” Blowing the smoke from his lips, he grabbed the ice cold beer mug, eyes snapping from his friend to the silhouette behind him. “I know you don’t open up well, okay, but this girl- it was two days and she already has you wrapped around her finger,” Grunting, Aiden straightened in his seat, attempting to gesture to the unwanted company, “No, listen to me. Don’t fuck this up man. This one might be it for you, it might be her.”

Snorting, he replied with a curt, “Always with the fairytales,”

Grinning, “Always.”

“As interesting as that was,” Aiden felt the emotion drain from his face as she stepped out of the shadows, arms crossed over chest, shirt riding up slightly- just enough to show some skin. “I’ve come to discuss boundaries, you’re familiar with the term, yes?”

Rolling his eyes, he shot her a tight smile, “Of course.”

“Great. You and I are roommates, nothing more, we’ll treat each other as professionals in the work place, nothing more, nothing less. Are we clear?”

As Aiden propped his feet against the marble table, he sent her a sharp, disapproving glance, “Crystal” And as he said that, Kevin wasted no time, his Australian accent over powering his ‘mates’, “Actually, I hear office romances are quite the ordeal.”

Fixing him with the coldest glare she could master, Elle sent him a lonely finger before turning back to Aiden, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Actually,” he held the word, watching the way those blue oceans sparked gold in frustration, “I’ve got work, but I’ll be there Tuesday at 3, give or take a few.”

“Three in the afternoon?”

“No, morning.” Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, but he kept his gaze leveled. He wasn’t even kidding.

“Whatever, you’ve got a key.” And with that, she turned and headed out.

Leaning forward in his chair, Kevin smirked at his friend before grabbing his bear, “Yeah, I get it. She’s hot.”

“Fuck off, Clark.”

“Li- Li- Lilith!” Upon hearing her name, her friend slowed down, choking over her own sobs, “Calm down, okay, I wont let it happen. I wont let him get Brice.”

“You keep saying that! What if he’s out there right now? Planning? Then what? Hmm? Then we’ve got a missing Elle and Brice’s as good as fucking dead.”

Lilith,” She scolded, “It wont happen.”

“It will! It will! We both know it will! FUCKIN SHIT, ELLE! You were right, you’re always right, I should’ve listened, I should’ve-”

“Lilith,” And even now, as she dropped into a crouch, she could hear the break in her voice. She loved Brice, like her own. And she knew, she knew what that man could do. Taking a deep breath, she tightened her grip around the bottle of alcohol, “What if I take Brice for a while? Tell him it’s a vacation. He gets out of school, and he gets to spend time with his aunt.”

She hesitated, “Are you sure?”



“Without a doubt.”

“He’ll be watching the house.”

“Let him see me take the kid then, fucking bastard anyway.”

She chuckled, “I love you.”

“I know.” Stuffing the disconnected phone in her pocket, Elle peeked down the neck of the bottle. Finding it empty to her complete dissatisfaction, she chucked it, watching it shatter against the unsuspecting wall before cradling her head in her hands.

“You’re bringing a kid here?”

She didn’t have to look, she knew who it was, “Wow, three AM, you weren’t kidding.”

“Shouldn’t you ask about watching kids?”

Rolling her jaw, she fixed him with a determined glare, “I’m bringing a kid here no matter what you have to say about it.” Standing to her full height, her eyes scanned his body with a look of disgust.

He groaned, throwing his arms out to the sides, “What now?”

“You smell like sex,” She critiqued, “Take a shower or something, Jesus.”

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza

So this chapter was painfully short, I know. But I have ideas for the next chapters, just not this one. Plus I have to pee. Really bad. So. Yeah. Thanks for reading anyway, and sorry it’s so sort, and for the sort author’s note.


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