VI: How Pure Is Your Soul?

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Rebel and the Beast

© 2013 EncoreDeZiza 

All Rights Reserved

Rebel and the Beast

Chapter Six; How Pure Is Your Soul?

“Elle, please

“Oh my God, Ben! It’s not even a case!”

“No gasoline!’

“I told you, he fucked up.” She sighed, leaning against the counter for support. It was 3 AM and Brice was sleeping. If he woke up because of a lousy phone call- “Ben,” She whispered, playing with her lighter, “He’s a killer, he’s psychotic. And you know what the number one rule is for every psychotic bastard that likes to bathe in blood?”

“Don’t get caught?”

She rolled her eyes, “Wrong. He’s a showman, Ben, this is a game. He wants to get caught, and he wants you to know what he is. Now,” Taking a deep breath, she rolled her eyes again. Why did cops have to be so damn stupid? “What’s the first thing cops look for in multiple homicides?” Silence.

Plowing her fingers through her hair, she grit her teeth and tried again, “A pattern Ben! They look for patterns!”

“Right, right.”

Taking a deep breath, she retrieved a bottle of liquor. Idiots, they were all idiots. “I’m going to explain something to you very, very slowly. Can you handle that?” He scoffed. “Your blood-thirsty wacko fucked up, right? If he wants to be found and he knows the most effective way is a pattern then what’s he gonna do?”

“Make a pattern...”

“The chef was about to be barbeque, Ben, that’s common sense,” She informed, taking a rather large gulp of alcohol, “But he screwed up. If he fries the next guy there isn’t a pattern, now is there?”

“So the gasoline- it doesn’t mean anything?”

Jumping up on the counter, she cradled her aching head between her hands. She was about five sentences from a migraine. “It was nice talking to you, Benjamin. But, like I said, this case isn’t worth my time.”

“No, wait- Elle, please-”

“Goodnight, Ben.”


Tossing her phone onto the counter beside her, she let out a groan, rubbing soothing circles in her forehead. Why did choose this job again? Oh right, it was this or hell. Y’know, hell... It’s not lookin’ so bad... 

Pushing off the counter, she freed a stick form her pack and let the sparks fly.  Just in time to see a disoriented Aiden stumble through the door. He was soaked, in what she couldn’t tell. “Aiden?”

He jumped, slamming the door shut in the process, “Why the hell are you awake?”

“Where the fuck have you been?”

Shoving a hand through his hair, he let out a long breath, “Swimming.”


“Well yeah. You tend to,” he shrugged, “Cock block.. when I bring my dates here, so I moved locations.”

“To a pool. At 3 in the morning.”

He shrugged, “It was fun.”

Hitting the switch, she gasped as their newfound light illuminated the room, bringing his blood stained appearance to light. ”AIDEN!”

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